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1 week later

I awoke to a loud knock on the door. I sat up at the same time as Simon. "Get ready! We have a job to do." Prices muffled voice can be heard from the other side of the door. I grab my phone and look at the time. 4:56 am. Simon groans as he get out of the bed. I do the same and we both walk over to the dresser. I pull out some clothes that would fit under my gear. The but the thigh holsters on and then my vest. Simon did the same thing. I grab our masks and hand him his.

We put our masks on and walk out the bedroom and down stairs. Ragnar is standing between soaps legs and everyone is gathered around a computer. Me and Simon walk up and stand next to gaz. "To be completely honest, i was a little surprised when i got this intel." Price starts staying. "Karina Montel is working with Hassan." He finishes. Everyone's face changes into confusion. Even mine.

Karina is one of the richest women in the world. Funded a lot of military projects all over the world. "I know it's a bit of a shocker...but i found that she has a meeting point in the mall to give information to Hassan." He says but then his eyes drift to me. He glances at Simon who has a his eyes locked onto him. "Skar i need you to go undercover. We have a whole plan worked out and i have a go ahead from the president." Price says as he stares at me. I just nod in response.

"What type of plan?" Simon asked protectively. "Well we have decided to "close" the mall so only military personnel can go in other then miss Montel and the person she's giving the information to. There will be undercover military officers in the mall acting as civilians. Soap you will also have you go in undercover. The both of you are our eyes on the inside. We have everything set and ready. All we need is an approval from the both of you." Price says as he glances back in forth between me and soap.

"I'll do it. What about you y/n?" Soap asked. I looked up at Simon and he only gave a small nod. If he approves I'm going to trust it. "Yes. I'll go." I said with my thick accent. "Alright then I'll have clothes ready in a few hours for the both of you." Price said as he started doing things on his computer. A dial tone starts playing. "This is Laswell." I hear from the computer. "Set up the mission." Price says. "On it." Laswell says. There's a small click and price shuts the computer. "Alright everyone relax while you have the chance to do so." Price says.

Everyone walks away from the computer. Me, Simon and soap walked into the living room. Ragnar jumped up on the chair soap was on and slept on his lap. "Seems he's taking a liking to you." I say to soap. "I guess so. He came and slept in my bed last night." Soap laughed.

*3 hours later
Arcadia, California
The Shops at Santa Anita*

"Alright you two get inside. We'll tell you when she's walking in." Price says as he basically throws me and soap out of a van. He slams the door shut and gaz drives off to a parking spot near the door. "Jesus Christ." Soap says as he rubs the back of his head from getting hit. "Come on let's get inside." I say with a small laugh. We both walk up to the doors that slide open and we walk inside the crowded mall of undercover military officers. There where some with kids and even some teens that where family of the soldiers.

Me and soap head upstairs on the escalator. "This place is pretty big." Soap says as he looks around him. "Ya think" i say with a small chuckle escaping my lips. As we make it to the second floor we walk around for a bit. "A man is entering the building." Price says through our earpieces. I walk over to a ledge and look to see a guy in a blue t-shirt with a book bag. "Copy that i have eyes." I say back into a small microphone on my jacket.

I sit down on a bench and soap joins me. "This is going to be interesting. He want all of us to point our guns in there faces for some papers." Soap groans. He's obviously still tired. "Yeah but those papers could save thousands of people, just think about it." I replied back. "She's entering the building now!" Price says. Me and soap look at each other then Stand up. We casually walk to the escalator and make our way down to the first floor.

"Captain i have eyes on her. Are you able to see?" Soap asked and points the tiny camera on his hat towards her. "I've got a clear picture. Try and keep it that way." Price says. We make it to the bottom of the escalator and we slowly walk towards the way Karina was. Me and soap acted like we are looking at the big fish tank. I glanced over at Karina and see her hand over a briefcase to the man. "Transaction completed." I say into my microphone. Soap looks at them quickly.

"Alright everyone get ready." Price says to everyone as they all become aware. "Now!" He says. I pull out my gun and point it at them and so does everyone else. Alejandro and Simon burst through a door and walk over to them with there guns drawn. "Ah shit." I hear Karina whisper as she puts her hands in the air. Alejandro grabs her and ties her hands with zip ties and Simon does the same with the guy.

I get a weird feeling in my stomach and feel nauseous all of a sudden. "Fuck.." i mumble to myself as i walk away from the commotion. Soap must have noticed because he gently put his hand on my shoulder. "You okay? You look sick all of a sudden." He asked in a concerned voice. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "I don't know what happened... i just feel like I'm going to get sick." I replied as i start walking towards a trash can.

Soap followed me to the trash can. I put my hand on both sides of it to lean and hold myself up. I start to puke and soap grabs my hair and holds it out of my face. He rubs my back gently as I'm getting sick. Once I'm done he gently drops my hair and puts his hand on my shoulder. "If I'm correct on my assumption I'd say yo-." He says but i cut him off. "Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck." I say as i lean on the trash can and hide my face.

"Sorry..." he muttered quietly. I pick up my head and look at him. "Promise not to tell?" I ask. He looks hesitant but he nods. "Thank you." I say quietly. He nods his head in response. He then turns and walks away. I hope it's not what i think it is. If it is i don't know what Simon will say. I mean i can't be pregnant can i? "You okay?" I hear a familiar raspy voice ask.

I look up at Simon and nod. "Soap said you got sick. Do you think it was something you ate this morning?" He asked. "Probably." I mumbled. "Come on let's get you to the house." He says as he puts his hand on my waist. We walk out the mall and meet price. "Alright you two head back. Get some rest Skar." Price says as he shooed us to a car. He both get inside and Simon pulls out off the parking lot. I pull my phone out of my pocket and open soaps contact.

"Hey can you run to the store on your way home and pick me up some you know what's?"

"Yeah. Do you want me to get multiple?"

"Yes please. I need to be sure."

"Alright will do!"

"And just so you know. Simon won't look at you differently. I can see it in his eyes that he loves you and always will no matter what."

"Thank you Johnny."

I turn off my phone and put it back into my pocket. Simon glances at me and then back to the road. "I might be sick for a while." I mumbled. He looks at me with a confused face. "What do you mean?" He asked a bit concerned. "I might be pregnant." I replied. He didn't say anything. He just stared at the road ahead of him. I needed him to say something. Anything. But nothing.

I look up at him to see if i can see any emotion on his masked face. I can see a faint smile through his mask. he looks back at me and looks in my eyes for a moment before looking back at the road. "Do we need to get tests from the store?" He asked. "No. Soap is buying some." I replied. "And you trust him?" He asked. "Absolutely not." I laughed. He let out a small chuckle. "I love you y/n." He says. "I love you too Simon." I whisper.

Faceless lovers (Simon Riley x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें