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Adrian’s POV

I was happy and I could imagine my wolf wagging its tail after what Alpha Jacob said.
I couldn’t be much happier.

So, she was the one Alpha Jacob was talking about that will be the human female architect that will be walking on the building project with me.

When I reached for the door I never intended to let our hands brush against each other but when it did, I couldn’t be happier.

My wolf purred with joy.

She was truly my mate after all.

“I’m sorry. You can go first.” I said.

I knew from the look in her eyes when our hands brushed that she felt it too. The Mate Bond.

The most electrifying and pleasurable feeling that only your mate can give you.
I knew that maybe not now but soon she will understand because I also saw slight confusion in her eyes when she felt it. It will be a lot harder explaining to her and keeping her by my side since she is human but I will just have to make her understand.

“Errm, are we going straight to your office to start planning or you would prefer I fix an appointment with you later”. I said trying to start a conversation.

“Well, I will just explain the basics of everything to you. I already have everything arranged on my project table before I left my office so after the basic explanation of everything, I will give and send you a copy of the details of the plan so you can look deeper into it”. She said on the way to her office.

“Okay, I guess you have everything covered then.” I said although noticing the show of independence from her.

“Well, this is my office. It is not easy to locate in the building anyway.”

“I guess let’s begin.”


Sorry,,,, about the short chapter.....

Promising a much longer and interesting one next.

Anyways, thanks for reading.....

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