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Aubrey’s POV

Bottles shattering, loud shouts and rough beatings have been my constant nightmare ever since that night. I will wake up with a loud scream and sweat all over my body like I just came out from the shower and no matter how many therapist I decide to see, it just doesn’t stop.

I cry every single night and in the day I detach myself from people and only do work and money related stuff. It’s funny how even though he is gone, he left footprints that am sure will haunt me forever. I guess even after three years and even more going forward I will always remain alone no one to help me or know my secret.

It hurts sometimes, being alone from the orphanage to being independent at eighteen, to finding love and to losing them. I guess no one will even want me like this anyway so why bother.

5:45am!! Wake up!!

My clock read.

I guess it’s a start to a new beginning because today I most likely will get my promotion and a bonus after my presentation today. Am sure.

I got up, did my 30 mins exercise and prepared for the day of victory and a little bit of fun for me, I guess.

With a white turtle neck (I have loads of), a high waisted black plain trouser and my beige trench coat I was good to go for the outfit. For my makeup (which I hardly do), I went for a simple but classy look same with my hair.

All in all, although I don’t relate or interact much with my colleagues expect for business (of course), I still love looking good and eye catching; cos as they say first impression leaves a lasting impression, still don’t understand why though.

Well with my outfit in check, I locked my home, entered my SUV and zoomed off to work with an extra kick to my step.

Today, was going to be my winning day, I was definitely sure of it.


Hello guys and we have come to the end of the first chapter oooofffff THIS BRIDE OF MINE!!!!


Please guys your votes, comments and feedbacks are definitely going to be motivating me for the next chapter though, sooooo JUST KEEP THEM COMING.

Next Chapter coming right UP!!


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