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Aubrey’s POV

This has been the most stressful 3 hours of my entire life. Ah!

Couping with these blood-sucking investors and trying to concentrate from being continuously stared at by a hottie, is definitely stressful. No doubt.

After the 3 long hours of standing, I got just a moment to sit before the CEO called me into his office saying he wants to introduce me to his friend and my soon-to-be coworker.

I knocked on his door when I got there.

“Come in.” he called from inside.

When I got in, I saw the two men who came in late for the conference meeting and most especially the second man who stared directly at me.

Well now I am taking in his looks, he had this messy yet curly dark brown hair with a tanned skin tone and the most captivating hazel eyes I have ever seen and I could definitely get lost in those if I looked too much though. He was muscular yet not too bulky and still beautiful. He was putting on a crest shirt and a navy blue suit that fitted him so perfectly that you could see his muscles flexing when he moves his body.

I know I never wanted anything to do with men anymore, but this one is just making me rethink my decision. Maybe after him I could shut my heart forever. I could just give him a chance, you know.

“Please do have a sit, Miss Greenwood.” CEO Black said as I made my way the seat which the CEO gestured that I should take which was opposite the CEO and adjacent to the two young men.

As we where seated on the CEO’s resting area and it was as though everyone was looking at me as I moved.

“Miss Greenwood, I would like you to meet my friend, Al-Mr. Kace Stone, the first person by my left hand side and Mr. Adrian, right beside him.”

“Well, you see Adrian will be co-working with you on the new building project. As he has quite the knowledge and idea of exactly what I want that building to look more like. He has experience in that area as well. And I believe you both will do great justice to this project.” The CEO ended.

“Okay Sir. I guess I will just have to schedule another meeting with Mr. Adrian here to discuss the plans and ideas he has and of course wishes to add to the project.” I said with a tight smile.

Everyone at the company knows I dislike working with people. I am at my best on my own.

But of course, it is Mr. CEO who is asking (scratch that) telling me to and I get to work with Mr. Hottie aka Mr. Adrian, well I just have to compromise after all.

“Okay, that’s great then. You may take your leave and Adrian please you may go along to discuss the Project. I and Kace have one or two to talk about.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I said and reached for the door the same time Mr. Adrian reached for it as well causing both our hands to brush each others. To say I was shocked will be on the mild side because what I felt when our hands brushed was an electrifying feeling that made me want to move closer to him; but I didn’t.


Yeah yeah, I know longest chapter so far.

Likes, comments and feedbacks are most certainly appreciated.
Do well to follow me on my IG handle @d.bee06

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