Gremory Vs Phenex (1)

Start from the beginning

The orbs floated into everyone's right ears.

"Now then, let's continue with the plan..."


On the other side of the battlefield, Riser Phenex lounged in the principal's office, surrounded by his peerage.

"Tell me, Yubelluna." Riser began, as he held his queen close to him. The purple haired woman laid her hand on his chest, her face warm and her eyes closed. "What do you think of our opposition?"

"I believe that they are completely outnumbered and outmatched." Yubelluna answered after a moment. "Rias Gremory's total manpower is far lower than ours."

"That is true." Riser agreed. "However...?"

"However, an opponent who is backed into a corner is the most dangerous kind." Yubelluna continued. "Of course, it is impossible for her to defeat you, no matter how hard she tries. But she'll certainly do her best to leverage the small number of forces she does have."

"Hm, I suppose you're right." Riser accepted.

"I do hope you make this game as entertaining as you can, my dear Rias."

[The preparation phase has ended. The rating game between Rias Gremory and Riser Phenex has officially begun.]


"Man... it's crazy to me how good of a copy of the school this is." Issei spoke up as the trio of him, Koneko and Suk-chin approached the gymnasiun.

"Magic is a crazy thing." Suk-chin said simply as they neared the back entrance. "There's four of them in there, by the way."

"No way, four?" Issei asked incredulously as Koneko quietly opened the door.

"He's right." She said lowly. "They're here."

They tried to sneak in, but they merely made it a few steps onto the backstage when they heard a voice call out to them.

"Smells like Gremory trash in here!" It said. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

"Man, you guys suck at this whole stealth thing." Suk-chin said.

"No point in hiding now." Koneko stated as she started walking past the curtains to reveal herself. The two followed her.

"Well, what do we have here?" One of the four enemies, a young woman wearing a chinese qipao, asked with a confident smirk. "Lady Rias gifted us a pawn, a rook, and..."

As her eyes fell onto Suk-chin, they morphed into a glare, which was mimicked by her compatriots.

"Another rook." She grounded out.

"They don't seem to like you." Issei pointed out.

"I see that."

"I am Xuelan, a Phenex rook." The woman in the qipao introduced herself.

The girl standing to her right went next. It was a familiar sight. A young looking girl with tied up blue hair, wearing a red robe and wielding a wooden staff. "I'm Mira, a Phenex pawn!"

The last pair of girls consisted of twins. Two girls even smaller than Koneko, with green hair and wearing school gym outfits.

"I'm Nil! A Phenex pawn!" One of them announced.

"And I'm Ile! I'm also a Phenex pawn!"

"That rook chick is problematic." Koneko concluded. "She her total power is roughly on par with a queen. I'll try my luck with her."

"Hey Issei, didn't that girl kick your ass last time?" Suk-chin asked loudly, putting an arm around Issei as he visibly pointed at Mira. Issei grumbled in embarassment. "Dude..."

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