We put our shoes on, leaving the house immediately. I pull my hair up into a messy ponytail as I throw on one of Jack's hoodies with his name on the back. He pulls out of the parking spot, the radio playing as he starts driving. "I was bored out my mind, lost my whole appetite," He snaps his head toward me, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'm sorry, I've just never heard you on the radio." He says, apologizing for his excitement. "No, don't apologize it's cute," I smile, pressing my lips to his knuckles. I watch him mouth the words, before looking over at me and smiling. "I'm so proud of you, you're accomplishing so much, and I'm just so proud to be your boyfriend. I love you Josie Beth," He tells me while he's at a red light so he can kiss me. 

"I love you, Jack Rowden," I smile in between our kiss, staying in the moment until the light turns green. After my song is over he hands me the aux cord to play other music. His hand resting on my thigh, rubbing soothing circles into it. By the time we get off the car, the unsettling feeling I had at home is gone. 

Jack intertwines his fingers with mine, before stepping into Target to grab a few things. I make sure to stock up on a few of my favorite hair supplies, makeup, and even pick out a few clothing items I think I could wear on tour. I throw more things into the basket Jack is holding, dragging him along as I stroll through Target. 

I find myself in the book section, really wanting to substitute some time on social media into a book. I look through all the romance novels, finding one that catches my attention. "Oh, Jack! Should I get this?" I giggle, only slightly joking. He walks over reading the back of the book I'm holding. His eyes skim over the first sentence, "All Garrett Graham has ever wanted is to play professional hockey after graduation," before he shakes his head. 

"Josie, no," He shakes his head not being on board with me reading the hockey romance. "You know what, just because you said that, I'm buying all of them," I tell him, grabbing each book including the ones from the Briar U series. "God," He chuckles, feeling the weight of eight new books in the basket. 

"I hope they're awful and you never read a hockey book ever again," he says, a look of distaste coming over his face. "Jack, take it back," I tease in faux offense. We laugh together, turning the corner before accidentally bumping into a few girls. "Oh, I'm sorry," I giggle, making sure they're okay as they look at Jack and me in total surprise. 

Of course, we'd bump into people when I have 8 new hockey romance novels in my basket. "Oh my god, can we get a picture?" They ask as I get ready to take their phone to take their picture but she shakes her head. "No, we want you in the picture," They say, smiling at me. We take a quick picture before they look at my basket.

"I uh, Jack said they wouldn't be good so I'm buying all of them to spite him," I explain myself, turning a light shade of red as the words come out. "They're pretty good, I've read them all and I like them, but you also have a better idea of what hockey players are like, so." She says, giving me her opinion on the books, causing me to look up at Jack smugly. 

"One more question," I smirk, "Which boy do people say is Jack?" I laugh, as he groans. "Josie please," He rubs his face with his hands, making the girls laugh. "Well, I've seen people say, Garrett, Logan, or Jake Connelly. So first book, second book, and then the second book in the second series." She tells me, lending me a hand. 

"Ugh thank you so much for your help," I giggle, looking up at him before saying goodbye to the girls to go pay. I scan each book watching the disgust creep up on his face as I put them in a bag. "You are so dramatic," I laugh, causing him to drop his jaw as he says, "Me?" putting a hand to his chest, only helping my case. 

"Are you hungry?" He asks as I hook on my new reading lamp to my book to begin reading. "Uhh, yeah a bit," I answer, not feeling ready to go home. Jack drives to a few places, getting food before parking in the parking lot to eat. So far I have a Chipotle burrito, a milkshake, some french fries, and a book in my hand. 

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