Chapter 29

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Today is Stagecoach Day, and best believe I am hauling ass to get all of us there in a timely manner. "Trevor Lynn Zegras," I scold, begging him to hurry up and get in the car. "Lynn? That's not my middle name,"  He gets offended. "It is now, hurry!" I kick him out of my house so we can make it on our flight on time. 

When I see Jack closing the trunk, I take one final look inside and make sure I didn't leave anything, when I'm sure we didn't I close my door locking it, before getting into the passenger seat. I put on my seatbelt and look behind me to see Trevor with the stupidest look on his face. "Trev, I'm sorry I yelled at you," I apologize to him and he shrugs his shoulders. "No, no it's fine Josephine." He bites, using my full name.

Jack and I laugh, handing Trevor some candy so he'll stop bugging us. Since I met Trevor we've grown a lot closer and even fight like siblings now. And since getting to know him something I've discovered is that he is not a morning person. When Jack walked into his room to nudge him awake, he started a pillow fight with Jack, but Jack wasn't allowed a pillow. That's Trevor for you.

We put all of our luggage into the plane, boarding it to see all of our friends on it. I hug all of them before deciding to sit next to Molly, once Trevor and Jack walk in, they close the doors before picking seats. Trevor walks past the curtains, to a bed so he can catch up on the sleep he was interrupted from. While Jack and his friends talk, Molly and I talk about the outfits the boys chose. "All I'm saying is be ready for Nolan," She giggles, making me nervous about the outfit he has planned. 

Once we land, Trevor is in a much better mood so he contributes to getting us off the plane faster. "Guys, I just ordered some food to the house, so we don't have to worry about making anything," I tell them with my phone still pressed to my ear. I get a collective "Thank you, Josie," From all the boys, as we hop in two cars to get to our house for the next few days. 

We get to the house in good time, unloading our suitcases and leaving them in our rooms. I walk into the room Jack and I had chosen, and drop everything. I rub my arms from the strain all the bags put on them. When Jack comes in he does the same thing I do, except once he puts his bags down he wraps his arms around my waist. 

"You excited for these next few days?" Jack asks in between kisses, "Yeah, I am. Are you ready to see your girlfriend look like an absolute smoke show?" I joke with him and he groans against my neck. "I am, but I'm not ready for all these boys thinking they can have you." He kisses my cheeks, squeezing my arms. "They couldn't have me even if they wanted," I reassure him, tilting my head up to kiss his lips. 

Molly and I get ready in the same restroom, playing Taylor Swift while talking. "Does it get hard pretending you're not with Jack when you guys are out?" Molly asks me as she wraps a strand of hair around her curling wand. "Yes, extremely. We were talking about it a few days ago and I think we're going to come out soon" I tell her and she smiles big, turning her head too fast, almost burning her cheek.

I put on some cool leather pants, pairing them with a black lace bralette and a navy vest that was a red star on the back. I layer silver bracelets all over my arms while Molly puts on tall white boots and a blue and white romper. She throws on her cowboy hat, adjusting her hair in some places before spraying perfume all over her body. 

"Okay, let's take a mirror picture before we head downstairs," She says, and I pose for the camera. Giggling as we run down the stairs we see that the boys are all ready now, and I watch as Adam's eye trail down her body. "God Damn," He says out loud, running up to his girlfriend to shower her with compliments. 

I walk past Molly and Adam to sit on Jack's lap and he guides me there by taking my hands in his before peppering kisses all over my face. "You're breaking my heart, Lee. You look too good," He whispers in my ear before biting my earlobe. I giggle taking a minute to look at his orgasm-worthy outfit. He's wearing the pants that make his butt look good and a white button-up that will probably come off as it gets hotter. 

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