third pov.

Summer break is coming to an end and Jimin couldn't be more ecstatic to go back to college. Living at home with his mom is really enjoyable. They watch movies together and play card games in their free time. It's not that Jimin didn't want to be home anymore but college is just fun. Having his own space and his own rules is freeing. He feels so independent during the school year and he's just ready to go back to a college atmosphere. There is something about be surrounding by a bunch of other people your age and in the same position as you that makes it feel at home.

"We have to move your stuff in by today sweetie. Is everything all packed in the car?" Jimins mother is a 38 year old woman that's worked for everything she has. Her number one priority is making sure Jimin is happy and healthy always.

"Yes I'm fully packed and ready to go." The boy responds giving her a small smile before walking out the door. She follows content closing and locking the door behind them. She puts the car in gear and they were now leaving for their three hour drive. Jimin packed snacks and drinks so they didn't have to stop anywhere along the way. The ride was long but Jimin traded with his mother so she didn't have to drive the full way.

"Are you ready for a new roommate?" Jimin had a roommate last year and they got along fine. They talked here and there but there wasn't really any connection. The other boy just happened to transfer out of the school this semester. So now Jimin has to get a new roommate and he is terrified. Not because his new roommate could be anyone but he had become accustomed to his old roommates schedule. He knew when he could fit in some work before the other boy got home.

College is expensive and even with financial aid Jimin and his mother can't afford it. Jimin pays his tuition off by the semester and he works excruciatingly hard to do so. Ever since he turned 18 he joined '' and uses that as his main income. If you are unfamiliar with it, the website has a wide selection of cam boys that will do certain things for a price. He doesn't think people would respect him the same or think of him in any other way if they found out so he doesn't tell anyone. He doesn't want to be known as the campus's can boy.

"Honey?" She looks over at the black haired boy that was lost in thought.

"Sorry yes. I'm a little nervous." He shook his head lightly trying to get out of his head.

"I'm sure he will be a nice boy. Just remember that-" She starts with one finger pointed and the boy cuts her off quickly.

"Mom please not again." Jimin groans already knowing where this was going.

"Remember that you need to make the effort to be his friend. It's difficult to make friends in college because it is all up to you to make plans and follow through with them. Try your best okay?" She explains again like she did at the beginning of the last year for his former roommate.

"I made the effort last semester. He just didn't want to be friends." Jimin sighs and she nods with a knowing look.

"And that will happen sometimes. You need to find your people or person that makes college even more fun for you. These are the years to have fun Jimin. Don't forget about your studies but also don't forget to live. Live and dream and party for as long as you can Honey."

"I understand Mom. You always get so worried I'll end up like we did." He said and she took a deep breath glancing over to him for a second before sharing a small smile.

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