Jian Hua struggled to control the mycelium. The mushrooms reluctantly let go of people, and the Red Dragon members are too anxious to get angry as they all rushed out. Only a few people who ended their "long-distance travel" sat on the ground and slowly recovered their strength.

A few minutes later, Guan Ling came over. Zhang YaoJin is busy, but he didn't forget to have someone take care of the people here.

Guan Ling is a B-class space ability holder, so she has the strong aura of a high order ability holder, but it's not like that pervert Red Scorpion. Johnson immediately noticed her, and only thought that Guan Ling looked very kind.

Geng Tian escorted Old Cheng, and Jian Hua has Li Fei to take care of him, so Guan Ling naturally took over and comforted Johnson.

There are a lot of ability holders in Red Dragon base, but the core area is where Major Zhang works. There are no outsiders here, so there are plenty of empty rooms.

When they turned on the TV, several stations have no signal (estimate the TV station's building has a problem). The remaining ones are also in a mess with the hosts screaming "on latest news" as they showed the city beyond recognition. Some places caught fire and exploded, and some areas have become ruins while people ran everywhere in a panic.

These reporters were supposed to be shooting variety shows on the street or doing other interviews, but then these incidents happened. They immediately changed their focus and started reporting this sudden tragedy.

Because it's night and the camera is swinging around, the scenes are almost a blur, and they can only hear crying.

Old Cheng sighed heavily while Geng Tian vigorously rubbed his palms on the ground.

Johnson stared blankly at the screen. After recovering, he shook Geng Tian's arm, anxiously saying that he wants to go home and go back to the United States.

"The whole world is in chaos, I'm afraid the airport has been destroyed. Don't even mention the US, even the trains might not work."

At this time, everyone heard the noise from outside.

Guan Ling opened the window to look. It turned out that Red Dragon is forcing all ability holders to participate in rescue missions and immediately set out to Haicheng, causing dissatisfaction to most ability holders.

"We finally came back. We didn't eat or drink for so long, who doesn't give Laozi a good night's sleep and eat a good meal! Who wants to be beaten up by this Laozi!"

"Firefighters? Policemen? What about the army? This is not the Abandoned World, there are plenty of people here! We're not under the country's secure employment!"

"Is it a crime to have an ability? Why won't you let us go?"

"We just came to this base since it's secure and so we could hide. When we ate something in the cafeteria, didn't we hunt every day to earn enough points for that? We just borrowed a roof at most so when did we become small pawns that you can just order around? You are soldiers, isn't your duty to protect us?"

Guan Ling had a vein in her forehead. She was not a good-tempered person. If Guan Ling had a soft nature, she'd be rehabilitated by her son-is-the-most-precious parents at home, and wouldn't have drifted to the North.

"Borrow a roof! Why don't they simply say they're borrowing the mushrooms! Mushrooms are everywhere in the nearby city, so it's also very safe, why don't they go there? If they can catch prey every day, why aren't they self-sufficient?"

Of course, because no one in the Red Dragon base would rob them, and no one would kill someone for a piece of meat. There are also fire and water ability holders here. Red Dragon base also cultivated their own bean sprouts and raised armored crabs on a pond. They can also change the meat to the blue lizard if they're injured. Even if there are more than a hundred monkey corpses outside, who's willing to exchange it with blue monitor lizard?

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