"I heard that acupuncture has a way to wake people up from a coma, but I don't really understand this. I don't even have any drugs on hand......" Old Cheng shook his head and sighed.

Johnson squatted on top of the dunes to watch the sunset as a magnificent red dyed half the sky.

He's deliberately a little far away from the mushrooms, and he also felt what Geng Tian felt. Those white, fat mushrooms are like demons who camouflaged themselves, smiling with kindness and dignity, but after turning around, there's another face. Like those who abducted slum children and taught them to pickpocket or those who took them far away in the name of adoption, but no one's ever seen those children again.

Johnson curled up into a ball while trying to sleep. There's a knife made of bones inside his clothes. When he's sitting down, it seems like he has no vigilance, but his emaciated body is actually stretched taut.

Only when there's no one nearby would Johnson be quiet and in a daze.

He'd remember his uncle who'd been addicted to gambling, think of interesting books, the windmills on the riverside of his hometown, the cross at the top of the church building that gives relief goods every weekend. Occasionally, some pigeons stay nearby, and the sunset there is also very beautiful, it's the best scenery in town.

If he can take Mr. Morenza there and see......

Johnson's fingers clenched. With the hot sand filling his calloused hands, the protagonist is entirely unaware of this slight pain, his thoughts all on Federico: After they separated, are those drug dealers still chasing Federico? Did that building collapse? Did Mr. Morenza escape?

Johnson knew nothing.

Every time he thought about these problems, his head would hurt.

——I want to go home. Mr. Morenza's house is very large and very warm, filled with the scent of coffee beans and chocolate.

Geng Tian also wanted to eat, it would be nice to have two steamed buns at this time. Being too hungry, his stomach growled uncontrollably.

Old Cheng thought about the mutton noodle soup made by his wife and thought of its taste. Even plain water would be a bit more flavourful.

Rosemary is also too hungry to stand up. She really wanted the last pieces of roasting meat over the bonfire, but reason told her, again and again, that the people of Black Belt would not give this ration to them.

Jian Hua vaguely wrinkled his eyebrows.

The mycelium began to stir. As if it suddenly got a signal, it scattered into a large net, treating everyone as fishes.

Rosemary fell on the yellow sand. She called out flames in horror, but only created a small fire since she hadn't recovered. In the blink of an eye, it was swallowed by the mushrooms.

Johnson slipped all the way down the dunes. The mycelium behind him is like undulating waves, surging up and it looks like surfing from a distance.

The hungry mushrooms revolted, who'd be stupid enough to not run and stand in the same place?

Johnson fell to the bottom of the dune and hurriedly used his abilities. The wind swept him forward to avoid, and with a quick look back, Johnson found out that everyone was swallowed up by the mushroom "wave".

The white mycelium fluctuated on the dune, like a demon that opened its claws. Only when its full will it go back to its nest.


Johnson found that except for him who was being pursued, the mycelium in other directions reformed into mushrooms wrapped its spoils and began to move to the hole.

Rosemary's conspicuous blonde hair is exposed within the mushrooms, as she was tied up and taken mid-air.

Are they going to leave?

Johnson hesitated for two seconds, immediately turned around and met the ferocious waves of chasing mycelium.

The wind propelling him was taken back by the protagonist, but the remaining were greedily absorbed by the mycelium before stopping. Johnson felt like an insect who fell into a Venus flytrap, hot and stuffy, unable to move, and like he'll be swallowed any time......

Soon, a familiar sense of dizziness hit.

Upside down, unable to breathe, and nothing in sight. When he tried to open his eyes, he'd see a kaleidoscopic change of patterns and scenes.

He also saw a huge hideous monster, long and narrow, and very ferocious.

Johnson didn't know if this is an illusion or a real one. His hands and feet went cold, and his chest stuffy as if thrust by a knife. Soon, he fainted.

He saw part of the influence of the void world, while the A-class fell unconscious the moment they were brought into the hole by the mycelium.

——when they opened their eyes again, would they see death or their hometown?


Geng Tian woke up, his head was sticking out since his head was burnt. He first thought of being under attack, so he struggled to stretch his arms out of the mycelium, knocking down that thing and punching it hard.

Geng Tian sucked in a breath as he was jabbed by a thorn in the monster's carapace.

"What's this?" The other A-class woke up one after another. There was an unlucky one who was bitten on the nose. They screamed, not understanding why they're in the mushrooms, and that there'd actually be monsters that attacked the mycelium.

This monster has eight legs, a sturdy pair of large pincers, and a carapace full of sharp thorns with neurotoxin on it. The person poked would experience severe pain, and their skin soon showing red whip marks.

"Armored crab!" Rosemary almost fainted. What bad luck! There are only a few monsters in the world that aren't afraid of the devouring mushrooms, glass snail and armored crab. How did they escape the desert and suffer from this disaster?

Also, they're still hanging from a mushroom tree in different postures.

There seems to be a broad river, but the bridge was broken. Rosemary looked around, and just from seeing the countless red armored crabs rushing here, someone had closed their eyes in despair.

The devouring mushrooms can't absorb those monsters with thick shells outside, and their abilities haven't recovered.

But the mushrooms obeyed Jian Hua, so the reason they went to the void is consistent with the change in Geng Tian, Old Cheng, and Li Fei's eyes.

The mushrooms began a large scale collapse, turning into a pothole, filling it with crabs then sealing it with mycelium. Whatever the crabs did, the mushroom cages constantly changed to accommodate.

Ten minutes later, there are only a few crabs left. It panicked and fled back to the river.

Jian Hua also woke up hungry. When he opened his eyes, he saw the mushrooms hanging a "basket" in front of him, packed with large and small red crabs and still pushing on the mycelium energetically.

Jian Hua: ......

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