Season 1, Episode 1: The First Day

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I woke up from my alarm and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, thinking about what sort of crazy dream I just had. After that though, I got back to my room and opened my closet, which then I found my clothes and tried to put them on. However, since I was so tired because I had just woken up, I accidentally knocked over a box containing a journal I used to doodle on. And when I mean doodle... I mean just scribbling the words "I learned from my mistakes" over and over again. I had a remarkably strict mother.

"Hm.. what's this?" I asked obliviously.

As I opened the journal and flipped through the pages I decided to keep the journal as a sort of diary. Which in retrospect sounds a bit childish, but oh well. Then I got ready for school, which sounds way more simpler than what I did which consists of barely getting back up from bed. But, I persisted and put my school clothes on and went downstairs where my mom was cooking breakfast.

As I go to the kitchen my mom asks, "Hey honey, how was your sleep last night?"

"Pretty good mom just had a strange dream. What're you cooking today? Please say it's one of those world-class pancakes that you make once per year!" I responded.

"You wish sweetie. But no, instead I made some scrambled eggs. Want some?" My mom asked.

"Aww.. sure," I stated with a depressing tone, those pancakes were exactly what I needed right about now, especially since it was my first day at my new school.

Speaking of my new school, I better say how I got to this school in the first place, the most prestigious high school in the county.

While previously I had gone from school to school due to my mother working different jobs in nursing and taking care of elder people, we stumbled upon an opportunity of a lifetime where my mom could find a stable job in this town called Altandor while I could go to this school due to my grades being so high to the point of getting a scholarship. Looks like studying all of the time instead of living life with my friends back in middle school paid off after all!

After I agreed to the scrambled eggs, I grabbed orange juice from the fridge and headed to the table where I ate my scrambled eggs with my juice. And man.. they were still absolutely delicious! Even if it wasn't the pancakes. After that, my mom packed my lunch and told me,

"Hey, I'm sorry for this but can you take your bike to school today? The car is at the mechanic because apparently, your brother took it for a ride yesterday without realizing that there was a whole broken bottle outside the driveway."

"Pfft, he's so dumb! And sure I'll go take my bike, I wanted to ride it to school today so it's a great coincidence!"

After that, I then went to the garage where the car was usually. Of course this time, it wasn't there. So instead, I looked for my bike which was at the back end of the garage. Then, right before I rode on my bike, I found a table and started to write my first entry in my journal, just out of pure fun.

Here's where I wrote my first entry to my journal:

"I'm George, a 13-year-old boy and I've lived with my lone mother ever since my father joined the military and sent us letters that meant nothing but words. I also live with my two annoying siblings, but I'd rather talk about them later. And well, I live in a world that is overrun and controlled by just one family, the Redwood family. The year is 2813 and in my world, my outlandish world, the Redwood family has been controlling the world for approximately... actually, I don't know how long. This family pretty much monitors our every single move in this town called Altandor and it's just.. harrowing to say at the very least. Nothing you can do wouldn't be trailed to yourself... but enough about this family, I'm heading into my first day of high school and I'm super excited! Especially since this is the first school where I'll hopefully stay for more than three months!! I cannot wait to make new friends and see my old ones there like Steve and Fron, which I luckily heard that they're going to the high school with me too! Anyway, I gotta ride my bike now since I gotta be there by 7 and it's... CRAP 6:40! Gotta go, cya!"

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