"I bought this tomato sauce at the store, wanted to try it out for lunch today. I'll have to get garlic bread since I forgot-"


The couple froze when they heard Jiro gurgle, they turn to him as he stared at Norie with a smile. His dimples melting their heart.

"Baby- Jiro did you say-"


Norie squealed as she ran towards him and brought the baby into a hug, kissing his cheek multiple times before saying "you said Mama! Levi he said Mama!"

"I heard, but Jiro, can you say Dada?" Levi said as he walked over.

Jiro smiled at him before reaching his hands out towards him.

"Say Dada my boy"




He was cut off when his phone rang, he picked it up and saw Eren's id. Levi answers the FaceTime call and backed his head away when he saw the teal eyed boy to close to the camera.

"Back up"

"Sorry! It's just...well... Mikasa you tell him!"

"Why me?"

"My loves are you okay? What's wrong?" Norie asks as she appears besides Levi.

"Mom, dad we're in a situation " Eren began as he hadn't backed away from the camera.

"Jesus..."the couple mumbled at what could've happened

They froze when he backed his face away, Mikasa standing next to him as they saw a bunch of school buses lined up behind them. They stared in confusion as they saw their daughter sigh.

"We accidentally stayed on the bus, they didn't notice that we were still inside since Eren forgot his math folder." Mikasa explained.

"Now we're here"

Norie and Levi stared in silence as Jiro only giggled in the back, her husband sighed as he rubbed his face.

"Stay there brats, I'll come get you"

"I'll go, I can go get the garlic bread too on my way back" Levi spoke as he puts his shoes on and his shades.


He froze and turned to Jiro who cried, he sniffled and reached out towards him.

"On the same day as he said Mama?!" Norie happily spoke as she wiped the baby's mouth with his bib.

"Dada!" Jiro cried out.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now