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Jean to Levi when he "proposed" to Mikasa with the plastic donut.


"Don't go to far Eren, me and Mikasa will join you in a minute I still need to put some sunscreen on her"Norie spoke to the boy as he ran to the edge of the lake

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"Don't go to far Eren, me and Mikasa will join you in a minute I still need to put some sunscreen on her"Norie spoke to the boy as he ran to the edge of the lake.

"Yeah!"he called out while he held his bucket to collect rocks.

"Levi are you sure you don't want to go?"Norie says.

"I'm sure"

"Please"Mikasa said as she places her hands on his face.

"No darling"Levi responded.

"Pleaseeeee"the little girl dragged the word as she squished his face.

"Come on Levi, just for a little while, I know you're skeptical about what could be floating in the water but it's not like we're going all the way in"Norie says as she places Mikasa's bucket hat on and secured the string around her chin.

"I'll think about it"he said making her sigh.

"Fine, but I did bring you some clothes if you change your mind "Norie said as she stood up and took off her black lace robe to reveal her black two piece bikini.

"What would change my mind-"

Levi cut himself off when he saw two guys looking over at them, especially keeping an eye on Norie as she held Mikasas hand to walk them over towards Eren.

"No, I'm telling you man, this chick is hot-"

Both of the guys wheezes out when they felt an arm wrap around their throat and compress strongly, they clawed the arms as Levi whispered "That's my wife you're staring at and I really don't like you eyeing her like some piece of candy"

The guys choked as Levi continued "I'll let go, and I better see you collect your stuff and move along"

"If not, I won't hesitate to end you both here, and hide you were you will never be found. People will wonder, people will cry...but after that you'll be nothing but a story on the news, so piss off"

He let go and they coughed out while holding their necks, they quickly collected their things and ran off.

"Mama look! I found a rock!"Eren screamed out happily and extended his hand to show her.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now