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Hange had finally heard what happened and she immediately comforted Norie, for some time she would cry with her, then she would be angry at Erwin and leave angry voicemails with not so sweet words

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Hange had finally heard what happened and she immediately comforted Norie, for some time she would cry with her, then she would be angry at Erwin and leave angry voicemails with not so sweet words.

Levi would come around to spend time with Norie as well, to get her mind off of Erwin. He would take her out shopping at thrift stores, take her to restaurants and to his house to watch movies or just hang out. And throughout this period of time, his feelings started growing and what he didn't know is that the day Levi took her to see a art exhibition of her favorite painter she, for some reason, swooned.

She swooned at the fact that he remembered the day, when they met for the first time, Norie told Levi that her favorite painter was John Waterhouse. And it surprised her that he remembers that from 4 years ago.

Of course, Norie would try and not show some signs of those feelings since she didn't know that Levi felt the same way. Not until the day Levi took her to star gaze by the hill everyone would go on Friday nights.

"You know I would love to hold a star but that would be stupid of me"Norie says as she and Levi lay in the backseat looking up at the opened sun roof of the car.

"Yeah it would, it'll be like holding burning coal"Levi responded.

She giggled and then heard her favorite song play softly from the radio, Levi liked how it was dark but not to dark in the car, it brought him comfort. And Norie loved it too.

"So...we start college in 2 weeks...how do you feel?"Norie asks softly.

She turns her head to him as he continues to look up at the night sky.

"Okay...I'm nervous but I know you and four eyes will be there"Levi responded back lightly.

Norie looks at his side profile, it was just perfect.

"Look at me..."she whispered.

Levi felt himself tense up, he thanked God that it was dark so she wouldn't see his burning ears and cheeks. He breathed out shakingly as he turned his head to her, their noses were centimeters away. Levi practically felt her breath on his lips, he wanted so much to kiss her, he just wanted to kiss her forever.

"I never got the chance to thank you...for helping me out of my nasty break up phase...I'm sorry you had to experience that and see my ugly side..."Norie whispers jokingly

"No...it's okay..."Levi whispered back nervously.

She stared into his grey eyes and her hand moved softly from her thigh, towards his. Levi flinched slightly when he felt her pinky touch his lightly. He got this surge of confidence out of no where and he fully touched her hand, it felt warm and soft.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now