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"And now the great Eren magician will make the dinosaur disappear from behind the book!" The boy spoke as he wore a magician cape and a hat

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"And now the great Eren magician will make the dinosaur disappear from behind the book!" The boy spoke as he wore a magician cape and a hat

The other toddlers watched as Eren waved his hands around the area behind the book,  that was sitting up right, with his hands.

Eren quickly snatched the dinosaur and launched it to the side and knocked the book down and the toddlers gasped when they didn't see the dinosaur anymore.

"Woah! Eren that was so cool!"Armin spoke happily.

"Can you make a plate of cookies appear?!"Sasha asks excitedly.

"No! Make a dog appear, or a cat!"Connie says.

"What else can you do?"Marco questions with a smile.

"He can make a cracker disappear from his hands"Mikasa says.

Eren closed his tiny hands around the cracker and quickly ate it, he smiled as he munched.

"Ta-da!"he mumbled and Mikasa clapped.


"Levi look! Their little caps and gowns arrived!" Norie spoke as she ran to the kitchen where he, Eren and Mikasa sat.

Levi looked over and smiled lightly.

"They look great"

"I know, I can't wait for them to try it on! When they're done eaten I'll have them put it on and we can see what needs fixing" she says as she went walked off to put the caps and gowns in their closet.

Levi turned around to see the toddlers passed out, they were mid way of eating spaghetti. Mikasa was leaning back on her high chair as Eren rested his head on the spaghetti.

"Oi, wake up, you're getting spaghetti in your hair"

He lightly moved Eren's head as the boy still didn't wake up and he leaned back but the table connected to the high chair disconnected and Eren fell out of his seat with a snore taking the bowl of spaghetti with him towards the floor.

"Shit!" Levi yelled and quickly grabbed him


Norie jumped at the loud bang making her run downstairs towards the kitchen and looked, Mikasa and Eren were lying on the couch as Levi stared at her.

"What was that?" She asked in a concerned voice.

"Um..."he began.

"Eren dropped his fork"

"That sounded more than just a fork-Darling it was nothing, come on, let's put the kids to their naps" Levi cut Norie off.

"Okay..."she whispered unsure but picked Mikasa up as he picked Eren.

past and future (Modern AU :Levi Ackerman)Where stories live. Discover now