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All of a sudden, I heard a whistle and a ton of movement from beneath the counter on the far side of the room...

~~~ 2 ~~~

I immediately opened my eyes and reached for my knife, thinking I hadn't killed them all. But... wait, did this thing just... whistle at me? Maybe it's a survivor!!, I thought.

"That was pretty damn impressive, for a girl."

I recognized the voice. Gwi-nam, one of the most feared people in the school. No doubt about it, he would kill me if given the chance. I couldn't let that happen, but I also couldn't kill him. I inhaled a deep breath to form a reply. "Are you bit?" I held my knife out in a threatening way.

"Nope. You?"

"No. Not yet." I inched closer to him, knife still out, inspecting him for bites. "How did you stay hidden? They track through scent AND sound."

Gwi-nam kicked one of the dead bodies. He then bent down and picked up a bloody knife of his own. "Jus' kill 'em when they get too close. A stab to the neck works."


He smirked at me. "I would've killed you already if you weren't so damn pretty."

"Or it's because I have a knife, and I basically just saved your ass."

He clicked his tongue. "Take a damn complement." He threw his knife up and caught it a few times.

I realized then that neither of us would have been able to kill each other if we wanted to survive. "Let's work together. We have to if we want to live."

"Who says I want to live?"

"This knife."

"Alright, fine then. What is little miss perfect's plan?" he said, jokingly.

Ew. I cringed. "Don't call me that." I took another deep breath before responding. "Find something to sharpen the knives with first. Make sure you always have a backup knife with you too." I slid one of the kitchen knives on the counter towards him, keeping distance between us.

He clicked his tongue again, then picked up the spare. "Search the bodies first. One of 'em are bound to have somethin'," he said.

"Alright. Good idea," I replied. He began to search around the room while I searched all of the dead zombie bodies. "This one doesn't have anything," I would say any time I searched one.

I moved the searched bodies towards the corner of the room to make a pile.

Suddenly, I felt something grab me from behind. I heard the snarling and the bones crunching. After trying to wrestle off this undead zombie for a few seconds, just barely managing to keep its mouth away from me, I heard the knife stab. The zombie went limp, and I shrugged it off of my back. I turned around to see Gwi-nam pulling his knife out of the body's neck. "Thanks."

"No problem, just be more careful. Didn't get bit, did you?" he replied.

"No. I didn't have my knife on me, so I would've gotten bit eventually."

He went back to what he was doing. At least he didn't kill ME.

On the second to last body, I found one of the chefs carrying a small nail kit. She had a nail filer on her. "Bingo," I said out loud.

"What'd you find?" He walked over to me.

"Nail filer. You can use it first, I don't mind. I'll keep looking. Did you find anything?"

"Not as good as this." He took the nail filer and leaned against the stove. He started to sharpen the knife. "There is a cinderblock over in the corner for some reason. Thought it was worth mentioning."

"Alright. Good work."

- Time skip -

After a while of sharpening, I got bored of the silence, and spoke up to cure the awkwardness. "Nice n' sharp now, huh."

Gwi-nam appeared to be spaced out as I rubbed the nail filer along the edge of the blade, making this weak kitchen knife super sharp. He looked up as I spoke. "Hm? Oh, yeah. I guess. It'll work."

"Do you have a belt? We should strop the blade."

"Fuck's that mean?" Gwi-nam asked. "Well, yeah I got one."

"Uhh.. Basically, realign the blade so it isn't bent."

"How do you know all this?" He started to take off his belt.

"My dad taught me. He hunts on a regular basis."

"Cool." He smirked, then handed me his belt.

After I got done stropping my knives, I handed the belt back to him.

"How the hell do I do this?" he asked.

"Take the knife and hold the cutting edge away from the leather. And then, just slide it down the belt. Like this." I demonstrated with my own knife one last time.

"Got it, I think."

A few minutes later, once we are both done crafting the perfect weapon out of a kitchen knife, he put his belt back on. "We gotta get out of here now," he started.

"No. Let's grab some food and fill this backpack."

"Why do you have that? It's lunch time."

"I always bring it to lunch, and when I saw the situation at hand, I thought it'd be smart to carry." I started taking school stuff out of the bag. "Let's fill it with food and water, just in case we get trapped somewhere."


We filled the backpack with food, water, and other useful items we found while searching the room earlier. "This'll work," I told him.

"I'll carry it," he responded.

"You think I trust you?"

"Well.. No. But still, you'll just slow me down with that on."

"I'll pass. It's my bag anyways. I don't believe you have a say in this?"

He grunted, and looked away. "Fine. What's next?"

I walked over to the gate that had been keeping the zombies out. There were twice as many zombies now as there were before. "We clear it."


I grabbed one of the closest snarling zombies by the collar of his shirt, and stabbed his forehead with the knife. He twitched out, and then fell limp. "Like that. Easy." I turned towards Gwi-nam. "Or are you going to be a baby about it and let the girl do all of the work?" I smirked at him.

~~~ End ~~~

A/n - Thank you all for reading, once again! Tips and feedback are always welcome, as this is my first book on this app. I love you all!! Have a good day :)

𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 : 𝐘. 𝐆𝐰𝐢-𝐧𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now