If Black Abyss helps solve the hidden dangers in Ganzhou Highway, Red Dragon will give Black Abyss a thousand jars of this particular material, plus a further exchange of information, research cooperation, and the most important thing is negotiating the issue of security checks.

Li Fei has the hyphae, so he's not afraid of sounding the security alarm, but other ability holders are different. They could hardly move.

The social order nearly collapsed in the book since the ability holders boldly come and go. In the early days, everyone can only squat, and now this problem has also been solved by the Beidou Research Institute.

With a mini energy jammer, those below B-level can pass the security gates at will.

It can only be used on the energy inside ability holders, but other dangerous items are not affected.

This new product, Red Dragon promised to take out two hundred to Black Abyss. Even Li Fei suspects that the mini-jammer will send out a signal, and will be convenient for the country to supervise ability holders. But there will be too many people who can't go out because of this, and since many people can't live normally, there are many who have resigned from school and work.

As for B-level and above.

——they still have to use the hyphae bottle. Using high-tech materials and completely sealed, it's valid for five days. Take a bottle and pour it on your body when preparing to go through security. The characteristics of the high-order ability holders will make the mycelium happy to stay on them until other food is found.

Envisioning the airport and subway security gates shortly after this, there probably will be no monsters that can survive.

It's also a meaningful way to save public facilities......

Even Li Fei said it's not bad since they're gaining in such a cooperation.

Black Abyss is too close to Red Dragon, and the win-win situation is perfect, but the tie is too deep, so there is no secret. Unfortunately, it is currently impossible to refuse. Black Abyss is just an empty shell, and it's impossible to have a research institute, so there are no factories that can make high-tech materials. If they rely on themselves and only used Black Abyss' resources, don't know how many years it'll take.

Especially book transmigrators, those people who know the story will stare at Black Abyss! There is the trend of wanting to go under the country's noses, although Black Abyss is destined to go a completely different way than the original.

Low-key stuff, it depends on the mood.

Mysterious stuff, food for the Corgi!

The SUV tires are wrapped by hyphae. Jian Hua intentionally used his ability and controlled the mushrooms to grow on the side of the road. There is no food, so the hyphae lost interest, and their growth is not active.

"I can call for backup and let a chopper drop a box of mice?" The skinny man sincerely asks.

"......no need. If there really is a big monster, it will become active immediately." Jian Hua can't imagine the strange scene of a helicopter dropping a box of mice. He could not help but think about the Southern mushrooms sent to the North by the Red Dragon, a picture of them guiding the growth of mushrooms through feeding it with mice.

Do they put some in front of important buildings?

"I forgot to say, some time ago, xx terrorists attacked Jincheng train station. Things just happened, and the mushrooms, stimulated by blood, bundled up the perpetrators along with the victims, and it didn't make a bigger incident. Colonel Lu is pleased. It's just that headquarters has a polarized view of you."

A mushroom that can effectively stop killing, and also a blood-sensitive mushroom.

Jian Hua is expressionless, and Li Fei doesn't care too much.

At this time, the wind rolled up a wave of sand and covered their field of vision. The skinny man pressed his foot on the brake, while his hand held the steering wheel.

"Something's wrong."

The skinny man Zhao Wen is just a C-class ice ability holder, but with his combat experience and sensitivity to danger, it can match Li Fei's magic eyes and Jian Hua's scanning ability.

"Nothing in the wind." Li Fei looks around. There is still a distance from the location of the incident.

"Abandoned World, after each arrival, will arrive again at the same place after 24 hours. When did the people who disappeared yesterday go missing?" Jian Hua also did not find any suspicious targets.

"Yesterday afternoon, 18 hours ago."

Theoretically speaking, it should be safe. They have enough time for the mushroom to expand in the field and let the three of them look at the surroundings.

"Continue forward. We have to solve the problem. The longer we stay at the periphery, the more unfavorable our situation is." Li Fei calmly said.

After the wind went by, the ominous premonition disappeared again.

The SUV went forward.

Five minutes later, some scattered backpacks and shoes appeared on both sides of the road. There are also remnants of fires. It was half-covered by yellow sand and looked dirty.

"Red Dragon has collected some items, but there were no bloodstains and the only damaged things are those that fell."

The skinny man slows down, started a detector and threw it out the window. When they are destroyed or encounter unknown energy, the receiver from the SUV will find out the direction where the danger came from.

The SUV found the underground tunnels empty, and that several missing people may have stayed for a while, but no abnormalities were found.

The indicators from the detectors are always green, making rhythmic beeps.

"Normal magnetic field, normal energy outputs, and the image displayed by the satellite are normal......"


A harsh alarm sounds and the three people stared at the screen at the same time.

There are more than a dozen bright yellow lights from the detectors on a circular area, then it went out again, followed by a dozen lights behind. The yellow warning signs extended all the way, just like something is running wild, directly to their car.

Li Fei immediately turned his head and stared outside the car while many fine white silks covered the pavement.

"It's close!"

The three people are nervous. As a result, only a blizzard of yellow sand went by.


The yellow line displayed in the receiver indicated that it had crossed the car and went ahead.

But there was nothing——

"Is it the wind?"

The author has something to say:

430 km Lanxin highway is a real road in the real world

I did not verify it's authenticity, but mysterious events happen at that place

The setting here is that before the Abandoned World, this road is normal.

T/N: I did some research (if you could call it that) and it seems that this stretch of highway is called Lanzhou Xinjiang highway (shortened to Lanxin highway) and is also called Land Bermuda. It appears that any vehicle passing at this stretch of the road, no matter how careful the driver is, will experience an accident. After many crashes, people have observed that it is mostly concentrated in the North (whatever that is) and speculated that there must be a strong magnetic field at that area though no one has verified it yet.

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