36| Window Of Opportunity

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~To The Story~

You don't want to say getting rejected is the worst thing that's ever happened to you. That's overdramatic. Several things come to mind you can name that are worse than a broken heart. Such as the stomach flu you had a couple of years ago, when you were eight and broke your arm when you went bike riding with Sugino, or when you forgot your line in a play and humiliated yourself in front of all those parents and students. It took months before anyone dropped the teasing.

The memory makes you cringe, yet, you would rather relive those moments than put up with this feeling of rejection. You thought you would be okay after getting some sleep, but the pain in your heart didn't fade. It was clear you underestimated how bad the feeling of rejection can make you feel.

Because good lord do you feel shitty. Not to mention humiliated, hurt, and just unwanted. It made you wish you had never confessed to him.

Though, you knew it was for the best.

For now, you were left to wallow in the pain get over Gakushu and move on.

Though, you wouldn't have to endure the pain alone. You called Naoki this morning and told him what happened. Him being the best of friend, immediately came rushing over to your house. It took him longer than you should have, so when you texted him, he responded by saying he was getting food.

A lot of food.

Your mom lets your friend into the house before going to run some errands and comes in with a butt load of food.

"I put the ice creams in the freezer for now," Naoki says. Your mom must have let him in before she left for work. "I also bought some pizza, wings, fried chicken, your favourite gummies... and some bath bombs... Wait, do you even use bath bombs?"

You let Naoki fumble with his words a bit, knowing he'll just give you the bath bombs regardless. For now, you just kept your eyes on the TV screen and tapped the buttons on your controllers.

"Why are you acting as if I'm going through a breakup?" You said.

"A breakup can be just as painful as rejection. Trust me, I've dealt with both." Naoki tells you. He moves over to the coffee table to set up what he bought. As he does this, he heard the familiar soundtrack from a game series you both love.

He whipped his head to the screen and then at you.

"Why are you playing Kingdom Hearts 2? We both know that game makes you sad!"

"I thought playing a character with a far more painful experience could do me some good," you said plainly.

Naoki sighed, takes the PlayStation controller out of your hands and handed you a box of buffalo wings, along with a plastic fork. You didn't complain. You skipped breakfast, so you were hungry.

You arrange yourself in a better position to eat. Naoki grabbed his box of wings and took a seat next to you.

You took the first bite and felt a sense of gratitude flowing through you. Either that or you're just glad you're finally putting food in your mouth.

"Thanks for getting all of this." You told him, though, sounding a tad gloomy. "But this isn't necessary. I'm not devastated or anything. I knew he was going to reject me."

"That doesn't mean you don't deserve to spoil yourself. Remind yourself how amazing you are. Self-love." Naoki grinned.

Guess you understand his logic. As you said before, you're not devastated, but you do feel like you're not crappy after getting rejected by the guy you like. A popular and well-loved guy to be precise.

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