6| Taxi Ride

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~To The Story~

You took a look at the time on your phone, all while humming a tune you know. Confirming that you're still making good time, you casually tucked your phone away into your pocket and kept walking, making your way to work.

"You seem to be in a good mood," Sugino commented, who was walking right beside you, keeping you company.

"Huh?" Your eyes looked at him. "What makes you say that?"

"You're humming."

"Oh, I was?" You furrowed your eyebrows. You haven't even noticed that you were indeed humming, which is a rare thing for you to do.

"Yeah, did something good happened?"

"Umm...." You trailed off, thinking if something did happen to put you in a good mood. The only thing came to mind was the amazing sushi you ate to today, thanks to Gakushu.

Gakushu...? Ah, that's right. You did see the boy after school hours when he helped you carry a stack of heavy textbooks. That alone put a small smile on your face, but what made you even happier was the fact that you were able to call him by his first name.

Him letting you call him by his first name was such good progress. If this keeps up, maybe you and Gakushu could be on closer terms one day. Now, you didn't want to tell Sugino all this, thinking he just wouldn't understand. What were you supposed to say? 'Oh, Gakushu-kun is letting me call him by his first name! That's what's making me happy.'

Yeah, no.

"I guess I'm just happy." You shrugged, chin slightly tilted down all to make sure Sugino doesn't see those red scarlet hues rising on your cheeks.

"Mh." Sugino hummed, not thinking too much of it. "Okay. How long do you work for today?"

"Until nine." You sighed tiredly. First school, now you have work to keep you busy. Lovely. You just want to go home.

While you were still had your mind occupied, Sugino's attention was caught by a poster as the two of you were walking by it.

"Ayami-san sure is getting more popular."

"Huh?" You questioned Sugino, wondering what he was talking about. Following the boy's eye line, you saw he was looking at the poster of the young model behind the window of the clothing store. It was a quick glance, but you saw the girl in the poster that was posing to show off the new fashion the store was promoting.

Miho Ayami.

Of course, as expected from a model, she was ridiculously beautiful. Skin flawless like no other, her doe eyes were round and mint green underneath those long eyelashes. Her hair was a lovely shade of light brown that was shining and ended with curls at the end. And to top it all off, she had the perfect petite body with curves and everything.

It is a poster, who knows how much photoshop they had had to use to make her look the way she is in magazines and posters.

"Oh, her. Yeah, my friend Naoki has a huge crush on her," you said, brushing the girl out of your eye view.

"Hey (y/n), don't you think Ayami-san looks good in this swimsuit?"

"I am not answering that, and didn't sensei confiscate that magazine from you?"

"I got a backup."

You rolled your eyes.

"I think a lot of guys our age do." Sugino chuckled sheepishly.

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