35| Let's Hang Out Again

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I think this is the longest chapter I have written for this book 😳😮‍💨

~To The Story~

Hanging out with the guy you like was supposed to make your heart sparkle. Getting a chance to hang out with the most popular guy at school was supposed to make you feel like you were on top of the world. But you didn't. It's not as if you're dreading being with Gakushu. You're actually looking forward to spending time with him. You're just not looking forward to getting rejected.

"Have any plans for tonight, (y/n)-san?" Isogai asks you.

"Going to the movies."

"Oh, what are you going to see?"

You blankly stared at him.

"I... I haven't figured it out yet." You admit, then laugh it off. Isogai, being the ever-loving sweetheart he is, simply chuckled with you, with no judgment on his part.

You've been so busy thinking about the strawberry blond that you forgot to pick out what movie you wanted to see. In Gakushu's mind, he probably assumes you already have an idea of what you want to see.

Oh well, it doesn't matter now. You'll figure it out when you get there.

"What are your plans for tonight?" You asked.

"Going home to make dinner for my siblings." He says. That was his usual response whenever you would ask him what he has plans after work. "Oh, I should probably head to the bookstore first. My sister has been dying to read this new manga, so I'd thought I surprise her."

"I swear, you'd make the greatest husband. Please marry me."

Isogai knew you were only kidding, but that didn't stop him from sheepishly scratching his cheek, feeling a blush coming onto him since you sounded so straightforward.

"Ask... me again in ten years."

"Will do," you said playfully.

Since your bus will be here in a few minutes, you said goodbye to your friend and scurried off to the next street. You arrived just in time because the bus just showed up.

When you got on and found an empty spot by the window, you made sure to text Gakushu, to let him know you were on your way.


I just got off work.

I'm on the bus right now.


Alright. I'm almost there.

Don't be late. I don't like waiting.


dw, I won't ('• ω •')

That was all you were going to text him. And you assumed he was going to stop texting you, but much to your surprise, a new message from the golden boy himself came through.


How was work?

You blinked. You don't recall him ever asking how your day at work was.


Great :)

Some old guy thought I was his granddaughter for a second tho lmao.

Perfect Flaws | Gakushu Asano X ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz