32| Something To Say

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~To The Story~

When Gakushu went to bed last night, he figured a good night's sleep would help cure whatever he was feeling. Only, sleep did not come easy for him. It wasn't his headache that kept him up because he took a Tylenol pill for that, which greatly subdued the pain. The constant replay in his mind of what Miho said is what kept him from falling asleep.

"It's about a boy she likes."

He's not sure why that was bugging him so much. Plenty of females he knows have a crush or two. It was normal to have feelings for someone, especially teenagers. But for whatever reason, it bothered him to think you're crushing on some guy.

And he doesn't even know who that boy was. Miho wouldn't tell him.

He spends a good hour in the night thinking about who you could possibly have any interest in. When he couldn't think of anyone he's met, he figured it was someone he hasn't met before. It didn't help that most of your friends consist of males. He couldn't narrow it down, which prompted him to ultimately give up in the end. This wasn't worth staying up for.

That should have been the end of the storm in his head, but it wasn't. It felt like he was stuck on a math question. He just had to know the answer, or it will drive him insane.

He thought of asking you directly but felt as though he'd be putting you and himself in an awkward position. For one thing, it was such a personal question. One that he had no right knowing. Some people would prefer not to tell others who they like. And second of all, it was such a stupid question even to ask!

And Gakushu Asano does not ask stupid questions.

That's right. As much as it was itching him, Gakushu refuse to even ask you such a question. In fact, the whole thing was ludicrous from the start. You have a crush on a guy—big deal. This isn't worth his time.

When he tried to clear his mind, in order to get him to stop thinking so much about your stupid love life, another intrusive thought came bursting in. He remembers spotting you at the park with a guy. Who was he anyways? He didn't get a good look, but he did see the white hair. Wasn't that Shoyo-- Or whatever his name is? Whatever. It doesn't matter. Why were you with him?

You already told him you had plans, so he had no reason to be upset. But he still was upset that you chose to spend time with someone else over him. For the past couple of months, you've been annoyingly close to him, dragging him to do things with you. And now, when he invites you to do something, you turn him down?!

What, you couldn't cancel your plans with him? What's so special about him?

Unless. Perhaps, just maybe that's the guy you like? That has to be it, right?

Gakushu couldn't find any other reason. No matter how hard he tried. No matter how much he wanted.

He woke up more exhausted than when he went to bed last night. He thought of sleeping in, but he hates wasting his day. He was sluggish in the morning, which was obvious to both of his parents. The best excuse he could come up with was that he had trouble sleeping at night. Which he did. But he wasn't going to voice out the reason why. He felt humiliated by even thinking of it.

He was glad that they both didn't pester the subject further.

For the whole day, he just wanted some peace and quiet. But more importantly, he wanted to be alone. And, that was the plan, but then he remembered offering Miho to talk to you regarding the fight the two of you had.

When thinks back to how sad the model looked, Gakushu knew he couldn't procrastinate. If talking to you could help mend the friendship, then talking to you should not even be considered a chore. He went ahead and sent you a message.

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