Chapter 16 - Fake it' Till you Make It'

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While cheering and laughter can be heard from one room, the same can't be said for another


"Gah...gah...." Y/n sits next to the toilet vomiting

"Fuck..why am i seeing an endless void of purple again..." Y/n clenches his teeth trying to anchor himself towards reality.

Everything is going a bit.. too smooth. He's been getting along with the girls pretty well, well except for Evelynn that is. The horror and abuse she's put me through has done enough damage to last a lifetime.

Rattle rattle

"Great im running out of meds" A loud groan escape from my lips as I take the one of few pills remaining.

I have slightly been overdosing on my meds, as the stress being around them doesn't cease even if I'm medicated.

While I'm able to deal with Akali, Kai'sa, and Seraphine quite well. It's mostly Ahri and Evelynn that create such a bodily response but not the hot kind.


With the cool splash of water trickling along my face, I prepare myself for the last few remaining hours with K/DA.


The door closes behind me and a few eyes are on me.

"Yo Y/n! You look awful!" Akali looked concerned

"Pshhh nawr, it's just the alcohal Kali" I brush it off as a joke when in reality it's a bit worse that I'd like to admit.

"No need to ruin the mood with such a grim issue" I thought

"Oh boy, I know that look" Jinx takes a swig of alcohol while look towards Y/n.

"Well ladies, Are we all good for today?" Jinx tries to get the attention off of Y/n

"Mm I believe so, we have some beats prepared thanks to Y/n and some sample songs which we can use for future songs." Ahri looks through her notes and agenda.

"You've been a major help Y/n" Ahri tries to strike a conversation but is immediately shot down.

"Mm yeah..I guess" I said blandly

"Cmon Y/n, l-ligh-ttttenn-n up a bit" Akali's voice seemed to have


"Ugh I, I think I need to get going. I'm starting to see and hear things" I held my hand against my head trying to sooth the ensuing headache.

"Kai'sa...we'll keep in touch, and hopefully we can amend anything that's left between us" I smiled bitterly

"Of course! Y-you know I've missed you..." Kai'sa's voice trails off

"Kali I'll see you at the gym next weekend?"

"Y'know it my man" we fist bump and grin

"Sera...I left that autograph you wanted" I pointed towards a signed copy of my album.

"YOU'RE JOKING RIGHT?!" Seraphine runs towards the album and starts shone brightly within her eyes.

"To Seraphine, my biggest supporter - Shadow"

"EEEE, I LOVE IT!" Sera squeals and jumps

"SERA YOURE GONNA BLOW OUR EARDRUMS PLEASE" Ahri covers her vastayan ears

"Oops- I'm sorry Ahri" Sera twirls her fingers in a circular motion

"Can I Y/n?" Seraphine opens her arms

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