Chapter 10 - The Pink Blob

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Y/n PoV

"I can't sleep anymore" I lifted myself groggily off the soft pillow

"Last night was way too much for my member and imagination" I looked toward the direction of Kai'sa room

Undecided I quietly left the guest room in hopes of finding some food or snacks around the kitchen. At times I find it hard to even relax, where I HAVE to do something or else i'll feel like im just being lazy.

"Let me activate my Neon powers to quietly walk faster oh wait- thats right I'm powerless" I chuckled

I've read plenty of stories where authors would have bullshit powers and named them "neon light ray" or "neon super speed," its a bs power that gets reused with zero originality.

Finally reaching the kitchen I open the fridge to bare witness to an amazing....empty fridge....

"You gotta be kidding me" I groaned

For being popstars they live an awfully unhealthy lifestyle, I noticed a variety of takeout from hamburgers, Chinese, Mexican food. All sorts of stuff with nothing but their respective drinks such as soda, tea and coffee.

I sighed and started prepping coffee within the coffee machine. Luckily there were variety of cookie boxes within the pantry.

"At least i wont be forced to eat takeout
this early in the morning" looking at the clock counting 5:30 A.M


I look over the hallway and notice the pink blob leaving her room in a white one piece thats sorta see through.

As she enters the kitchen she noticed me leaning on the counter.

Pink Blob: "H-H-Hey Shadow!" She stuttered profusely

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Pink Blob: "H-H-Hey Shadow!" She stuttered profusely

"It's Y/n, umm pink blob?" I try to not stutter and realized I didn't know her name

Pink Blob: "P-Pink blob? You gave me a nickname..."

"My bad, I just didn't know your name.." I scratched the back of my head

I thought she was upset at the nickname and automatically apologized

Seraphine: "Its Seraphine, but my friends call me Sera for short" she giggled

"Ohh a pleasure to meet such supportive and adamant fan" A throw a smile at her

Seraphine: "W-well you have such amazing emotional and inspirational music! Its quite hard not to be a fan, especially with your hot voice" Her voice trails off during the end

"My what?" I take a sip of my coffee

Seraphine: "N-nothing!" Sera flailed her arms around and her side boob jiggles a bit

"Fuck I don't think I can survive with these gorgeous woman" I took a small peak

"Fuck I don't think I can survive with these gorgeous woman" I took a small peak

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"Anyways, why're you up so early?" I asked

Seraphine: "Well I mostly do the cleaning around here. Ahri and Akali can leave an enormous amount of makeup and ramen everywhere-"

My eyes widen and I look around the penthouse, besides the takeout surrounding the kitchen I noticed piles of makeup on the coffee table and ramen handing off the ceiling.

"How the fuck-" my face expresses slight disgust

Seraphine laughed

Seraphine: "See what I mean" still laughing her ass off

"I'm going to help you out but wanna change your clothes..." I finally mentioned

Seraphine: "Hmm? What do you mea-" She looks down at her white one piece nightgown

Her face flushed bright red and covers her breasts with her arms

Sera: "L-L-Let me get changed!" She rushed off towards her room

"Wouldn't be opposed to get to know her more..." wink wink

After finishing my coffee, Seraphine re-enters the kitchen and looks up towards to me

Sera: "Ready to clean?" Twirls her hair a bit

"Uhh" I wipe off some drool

"Yeah im ready" I get off my seat and prepare for a long morning cleaning session

Sequential Song (K/DA x Male Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin