Chapter 6 - Inspection

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Y/n: "Ugh... strangely enough I feel fine?" I could've sworn I didn't take my meds, so what gives?

I twist my head, my eyes widen in horror as I notice my med cap was open. I look at back at the girls who followed my gaze.

I jump the gun to hide the pills but Evelynn used her lashers to secure the bottle before I could even reach them.

Scrolling through the details of the capsule her expression back and forth from shock, sadness, anger.

Evelynn: "Dar- Y/N why the HELL do you have ANTI-DEPRESSANT PILLS" She hissed pointing the capsule towards the other girls

Kai'sa hadn't had a response but Ahri on the other hand wasn't taking it very well.

Ahri: "It's all my fault, if I hadn't been such a stupid girl" she sobbed once again crouching holding her knees.

Seeing her cry hurts, it really does. I'd do anything to simply hold her as tight as possible and tell her everything would be alright.

But we aren't like that anymore.

Y/n: "I-I, they're uhh" I choked on my words as my eyes started tearing up slightly.

Yes I was an adult at this point but I've had grown up far too quickly. My mind stuck in the past and the loss of my father forced me to "toughen up" and seal my emotions.

I just couldn't hold the facade any longer. These song were minor outlets to vent my frustrations but I've bottled it up for far too long.

Even if we started all over Me, Kai'sa, Evelynn, and Ahri.... My heart would linger with subtle doubts.

Hell, I still think I'm dreaming and this is a sick trick that my mind is playing in my dreams.

Evelynn noticed I was on the verge of erupting and immediately pulls me in for a hug. I shove her away only for her to harden her grip around my head and places them within her chest.

Ahri and Kai'sa follow Evelynn's action as they embraced me in a hug

Y/n: "What a sick twisted dream" I scowled but began pouring out my heart towards the girls.

Their warmth felt like a sort of safe haven towards all my unconscious thoughts. Giving and providing me with strength.

Kai'sa: "I won't leave you again, I promise" referencing her sudden disappearance and ghosting

Evelynn: "I promise that no matter what you'll be the only Darling, I beg for you forgiveness" Her makeup completely ruined once again with black lines of mascara running down her cheeks.

Ahri: "You're my inspiration, my light, my joy, my naive bestfriend, I won't abandon you because of something as stupid as popularity and fame but please return to my life." Words I wish I heard all those years ago.

The overstimulation overloaded my mind as their affection was too much for my heart to handle. Especially with how empty and shattered it was to begin with.

They slowly began to disappear, my eyes enter a deep empty slumber as I fall towards the abyss.

Ahri PoV

We were too busy crying and moping to notice Y/n had passed out once again, to which we panicked as he slumped towards Evelynn's shoulder.

Ahri: "Girls lets go to the penthouse immediately" almost in unison we head out from the back, Evelynn carrying Y/n with his medication as well.

Slightly disgusted with myself as I was one of the reason he forced himself to drown himself in medication to feel normal.

I call Sona as backup just in case it's more that just fatigue Y/n is feeling.

Akali revving Evelynn's car begin as they begin rushing towards our penthouse.

Several traffic laws were broken but who cares, I need Y/n to be safe and healthy to sooth my aching heart.

As we rush through our penthouse doors Evelynn sets Y/n on her bed and provided a wet cloth for his forehead to cool off any mild sweat and heat.

Sona arrived with a bit of a panic within her facial expression

Sona: "Where is he?" She typed on her phone

"upstairs please take a look" I said

We rushed upstairs toward Eve's room, as we open the door Eve was cuddled up next to Y/n as he lay there unconscious

"Eve!" Shocked that Evelynn took the chance to cuddle next to Y/n

Evelynn: "Sorry Gumiho it's just been forever..." A small hurt look within her eyes while touching her right elbow

"I know, it's the same for me" My ears droop as I stare at Y/N's face.

"How's Y/n looking Sona?" I asked

Sona: "well he looks exhausted first off, but let's take off his shirt to find any other injury"

I nodded and with Eve's help we took off his shirt. The pure horror we've witness almost ser Evelynn in a barging spree.

Cuts. That's it.

Lots and lots of cuts and scars surrounding every inch of his body. Akali and Sera enter only to be paralyzed in shock.

Seraphine: W-why does he have so many!" She stuttered showing clear signs of concern over her favorite singer.

Me, Kai'sa, and Evelynn knew but weren't gonna say much until Eve broke the silence.

Evelynn: "they're probably caused b-by us"

Y/n PoV

As I woke up certain voices can be heard. Slightly opening my eyes I noticed several girls  standing before me before I could mutter a word.

Evelynn: "His injuries were probably caused by us..."  she slowly cut off her words

If only you knew how half right you were Eve...

Ahri: "Is there anyway to heal the scars Sona?" She asked the floating woman with slick blue hair.

Sona: "m-m, if he were to sustain another injury than yes but currently-" she looks at me at smiles

Sona: "m-m, if he were to sustain another injury than yes but currently-" she looks at me at smiles

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Sona: "currently there's no way to heal his scars"

I began sweating bullets as she walks out the door

Ahri: "mm at least he's doing alright" she sighed

Evelynn: "That's all that matters" she hugs me tight her breast pressing against me slightly

The girls left me alone with a bottle of water on Evelynn's nightstand.

A bitter sweet smile creeping upon my face.

"Fuck what am I suppose to" my heart throbbing in pain but also racing with passion

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