Chapter 1 - Concert Day

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Y/n PoV

I lift myself groggily as my alarmed starts beeping like crazy. Suddenly drenched in sweat as the heater has been blasting throughout the apartment

"Fuck...I need a shower" I walk towards the bathroom stripping on the way because why not.

My slim figure and abs shining against the mirror. After all the break ups I needed a distraction, while music was great for my mentality, I need something physical.

I was aggressive, dead inside, and slowly withering away so I finally decided to hit the gym. My scrawny body back then was one of the first insecurities I've received from them...


I turn off the shower after dousing myself with plenty of soap and water.

I'm not sure how the girls are but I don't really care. Nothing but scars from them. I scoffed

I've met the girls on separate occasions after moving back and forth and finally returning back to Piltover.

"Tch, so much time and money wasted on moving" I clicked my tongue.

I was relatively still pissed that I had to ditch everything in my life just because of my father's work. In the end I ended up moving back after he was killed off in an accident concerning his line of work.

Sad thing is, he was prepared for his sudden passing so he had life insurance prepared to support me just in case he wasn't around anymore.

After his death, Piltover was the only place I truly called home, after all I was born here.

His money supported me all through 18-24 and soon i started earning money from my music. Today would be my first concert and considering I spent a fortune on this, I need it to be a large hit to earn it back.

I drove towards the venue preparing myself for my first few songs.

Although they're a few songs. These present every single love, hate, and bitter feelings towards those four.

As I stand against the glass windows of the stadium I notice hundreds upon hundreds of people lining towards the entrance of the stadium.

"Holy fuck..." I say exasperated.

I knew my music was extremely popular reaching millions of views but this is an insane amount of people crowding towards the stadium.

I slap my cheeks gently.

"Alright, its showtime" I leaned off the window and head towards my dressing room.

Ahri PoV

The girls and I finally reached the concert location within our private limo. Naturally behind the back entrance because I rather not have to deal with fans outside of our private life. Before heading inside we take a quick selfie.

"Holy cow! Theres so many people waiting at front Ahri!" Seraphine gasped

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"Holy cow! Theres so many people waiting at front Ahri!" Seraphine gasped

"For real and I thought we were popular!" Akali joined in.

While akali wasn't a huge fan of the songs she enjoyed the parts where Shadow rapped.

As we grew closer to our VIP seats I picked up a familiar sent within the air.

"This smell, it smells familiar... " I mumbled

I shrugged the though off but my heart started aching for some reason.

"There's no way it could be him...right?" I hushed the thought as I reached our seats

"Gumiho, are you okay? You look pale" Evelynn noticed my stature.

"Y-Yes, I mean yes, im fine Eve" I provided a fake smile.

"Darling I know that look, whats wrong?" Evelynn pushed the topic forward.

"Well I thought I smelled someone famili-" I stopped my train of words as loud cheering can be heard as the curtains and lights turn on.

"Whats up ladies and gents!" A man behind a mask in jet black clothes appear on stage

I avoided the conversation with Eve and payed attention towards the singer on stage.

"Now before we begin, I will let you know now that my music isn't a single category. There will be rap, pop, and rock In between the songs" Shadow said enthusiastically

Huh, you normally don't see someone be so ambitious towards multiple genres.

"Without further ado lets begin!" A mellow guitar plays in the background.

A single tear rolled through my eyes as the song finished.

"Oh my god...I never felt a song hit my heart so bad" I thought, the next song started immediately

"I have four new songs that'll play after each old one, here's the first new song!" He screamed in the mic

"Fuck...It's too much for my heart" A few sniffles and yelps escaped my mouth as tears start pouring out my eyes while the other girls besides Seraphine had gotten silent as well.


Laughter and smiles filled the air as two kids run across the middle school field. A boy in front of me grinning as wide as he could.

"Hey, when we get to high school lets stay together forever! Nothing will tear us apart" He smiled gleefully

"Mm definitely!" I shook my head and we shared a pinky promise.

Time skip to High School

"A-Ahri, we haven't spoken in weeks.... What's wrong" The boy tried to reach for my hand but before so I slapped it away

"Y/n..I think we should stop seeing each other" I look at him slightly disgusted

"Being near you would damage my chances of hanging out with the popular kids" I cleaned my hand with a handkerchief.

"We promised...we promised that we'd have each other's backs no matter what Ahri!" He started tearing up. A knot in my heart forming.

"Im sorry, but i think...I think its over between us" I painfully said as I turned to walk away.

"Ahri!" He started to walk towards me but I ran, as I looked back it seemed he tripped but I didn't dare to help him. A small tear ran through my cheek.

After that day I finally started hanging out with the cool kids, but after freshamn year Y/n had completely disappeared without a trace. Without even knowing I lost a piece of my heart when I realized my mistake way too late.

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