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IT WAS NOW LUNCH , Bill had invited the girl to sit with him , tom and their friends and obviously she agreed.

She would say yes to anything if it meant she didnt have to awkwardly stand infront of everyone to figure out where she was going to sit.

Bill introduced her to these two boys called Georg and Gustav. They both looked pretty sweet especially gustav, georg looked a bit more rebellious she guessed ? but he turned out to be really nice so there was no need to worry.

'So, ' Bill started , ' We are basically in a band and we need another person to join before we can do our first concert. '

'Bill.' Tom death stared him from the other side of the table.

'What ? shes my friend i want to ask,' He raised his eyebrows at him.

'You barely know her.' He flicked his eyes back to me then dipped his head slightly and carried on eating.

An awkward silence wrapped the table  before bill broke it again, thank god for him being so outgoing because im pretty sure the table would be dead silent if he wasnt here.

'Anyways, as i was saying .' He eyed tom again, ' Do you play anything ? Or like sing or something?' He looked at me with pleading eyes.

'I mean, i played guitar pretty much my whole life. My brother taught me so? if thats what your looking for?' Tom looked at me finally, his eyes held a speck of interest before that dimmed when georg started talking.

'No way , thats so cool. You look like you would belong in the band. You should come to rehearsal tonight, you can borrow mine or toms guitar and play and we can see ,'

'Uhm yeah sure, that would be great,' she smiled at them as the table descended into a friendly talk.

Tom getting involved by lifting his head to listen, flo kept catching him looking at her but everytime she went to look back he looked away.

Weird much.

THE GROUP OF 5 BEGAN WALKING TO THE STUDIO, talking in a comftorable tone like they hadnt just met flo that day and had know her forever.

Eventually , they made it to the studio and all went in.

'Oh my god, this is so cool ! You guys have so many instruments.'

Bill laughed ,' Thank you, it took forever to make it look like this it literally used to just be a white box. '

'So, you wanna try playing. I'll give you one of our songs. '

'Yes of course,' The girl sat down in one of the chairs infront of a sheet of music, the title being 'The pain of love,'

'Here , use th-'

'Use mine.' Tom held out his guitar for flo to take .

'Oh thank you,'

All the boys were looking at him weirdly, like he just killed someone.

'What? Im just being nice .' He rolled his eyes and pulled himself up onto one of the tables in the corner.

'Okay play this,' Bill ignored his brothers actions and pointed to a section on the paper labelled 'Toms solo,'

Flo took a deep breath and began to play, to be fair it was pretty fast and in the end gustav had joined in with her on the drums . It sounded really good she couldnt lie.

When she was done she looked up to see bills koutb wide open.

'What? was it bad?' She began to stress , wondering if she pkayed the tone wrong or was to cocky? Or-'

'No flo, that was fucking amazing,' Bill jumped in excitement .

'Your ome hundred percent joining the band, what do you think tom?' Georg asked him, a smile placed on his face.

'Your good , i think you should join.' He said with no emotion in his voice.

God whats his problem.

'Thanks...' She looked up just in time to see bill smirking at him , god there not gonna fucking kill me are th-

Before she could finish her intrusive thoughts, the girl's dad began to ring her phone.

'Oh i gotta take this real quick, its my dad,' Bill nodded and pointed out the door signalling for her to go to get privacy.

'Hello?' She said once she got outside.

'Where the fuck are you?' Her dad angrily said back into the reciever.

'Im just hanging out with some friends, why?' Oh my god what did i do, flo thought.

'Oh... well your mom wants you home so you know. Can you come home now?'

'Oh yeah... sure.' Flo hung up after that and walked back into the studio.

'You alright?' Bill asked as i came back, for a split second she swear she saw concern in toms eyes.

'ye, im good. My dad just wants me home so ill have to leave.' flo smiled at him.

'Oh yea of course, write your number on here ill add you to the band groupchat and you can get slk the dates we meet and stuff.

She wrote my number and said goodbye, the only person who didnt was tom. That guy radieted nothing but a bad mood and i was not here for it.



Probs boring again but i swearrrrr after this chapter tom and flo actaully start to get along promise !

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