Chapter 8: Coercion

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The red-brick walls echoed with the noise of bustling crowds.

The school's cafeteria was as lively as ever. Students from different groups and years had their lunch and spent a short leisure time here, chatting about anything before the start of afternoon class.

But what was supposed to be a time for relaxation became tenses as everyone present eyed a particular table.

A beautiful girl with platinum hair sliced her medium-rare cooked beef steak and put it in her mouth, every movement was done with utmost elegance.

On her side is your average looking guy. He has black hair and black eyes, an appearance that one can find anywhere in the continent.

Contrary to Princess Alexia, Cid was munching his food in a manner unbefitting of a noble. He put the entire portion of steak inside his mouth then started chewing it, making weird audible sounds.

Even his two mob friends find Cid's actions revolting. His table etiquette may not be of high class, but it can't also be called crass, just in-between. Po and Skel are aware of it. Cid suddenly nabbed the chicken from her plate and took a large bite, like a big glutton.

The two couldn't believe what happened.

Alexia just smiled at Cid. She scooped a spoonful of food and pointed it towards Cid's mouth.

"Say, Ahhh."

Skel and Pol's eyes widened, almost falling out from their eye socket seeing her being lovey-dovey.

Even the onlookers have their jaws dropped witnessing such an unexpected side from the princess. Jealousy is strong in the air.

"What does Princess Alexia find in that bastard?"

"He's so plain and average."

"I heard that guy is a failure of his family."

"Imma kill that fucker!"

A chicken crumbs dropped from his mouth, experiencing existential crisis from all of the hostile gazes aimed at him.

Cid's plan of walking the path of the mob was completely crushed the moment Alexia accepted his pathetic confession.

There is not a moment where he heard his name being cursed from the students, what's worse is due to his heightened senses, he can clearly hear even if it's only a murmur.

'Something is definitely wrong here.'

A group of students purposely bumped into him on his way to the school this morning and told him to "fuck off" then shoved him strong enough that he fell.

Cid almost snapped there and is close to painting a bloody art out of their sliced body.

Alexia stretched out her arm and wiped off the food crumbs in his lips.

"You little glutton." she giggled.

Skel's veins almost burst out and stared at Cid full of scorn.

"Damn, you're too lucky, Cid."

"Y-yeah, C-Cid." Po's voice shook and felt like crying.

Her porcelain skin, red gradient pair of eyes and soft feminine voice slipping out from her red glossy lips, Cid felt slightly uneasy close to her presence.

He shut down his brain and went into auto mode.

The idea of breaking up with her as soon as possible crossed his mind earlier but Princess Alexia's kindness gives no room for him to act. Cid needs to think of a fool-proof reason to justify his action for dumping her. Or it will be the sharp blade cutting down his neck from above—A guillotine to be exact. Even though he can avoid the punishment through force and wage war against the Midgar Kingdom, Cid thinks it is still too early. He still lacks the funds for his eminence in shadow.

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