Chapter 4: The Founding of the Shadow Garden AKA Looking after that psycho

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40 miles east from the bandit's hideout. We momentarily stopped in an abandoned haunted house deep in the forest of Kagenoh Family’s domain in order for the elven girl to take a rest. It took us about half an hour to arrive at the temporary shelter since I kept up with her pace or else she would be left in the dust. Not to mention, it requires me to be close to her for the slime suit on her body to remain intact.

I pushed the front door open like I personally owned the place and entered. She followed behind me without hesitation similar to a maid completely devoted to its master.

Sigh, I hope I won't come to regret this.’

“Take a seat.” I pointed to the dusty old wooden chair in the kitchen.

She took her seat but I could sense a feeling of confusion in her eyes.

It's common knowledge in this world for a meeting to happen in the living room or in the study or in any place that provides privacy, but definitely not in the kitchen.

“Before I would start. I want to inform you that I'm not living in this house.”

She only stared at me in confusion then tilted her head.

“... I guess it's obvious,” I forced a dry laugh. “Then now, let's move to the main subject.”

I hopped to the kitchen sink and sat on it with one of my legs on top of the other.

“You having returned to your original form is only a coincidence on my part.”

“But it doesn't change the fact that you saved me from my illness.” she instantly refuted without a second thought.

“Yes, however I wouldn't call it an illness,”

Her calm composure slightly breaks down, confused by the statement.

“What do you exactly mean, not an illness?” she asked.

I opened my palm and released chaotic purple magic on its center. “It’s simply an overload of one's innate magic.” and then closed it.

“Overload? … How could such a thing happen? And why are we being offered to the church?” she started asking several questions. “Then are you a member of the church?—”

I gestured to her to stop. “One question at a time.”

She nodded and faced me directly.

“Magic overload… how could it happen?”

I'm certain it's not a language barrier because I heard that every species in this continent used the same language.

I was guessing she would ask what magic overload is all about but it seems she's quite smart for her age.

“About that, I haven't found an answer yet. Next question.”

She didn't show any dissatisfied reaction and proceeded to ask.

“Why are we, the possessed, given to the Church?”

“To be purified, what else?” I manipulated the slime into a symbol of a cross in my hand.

“But one of my friends who was taken away two years ago hasn't returned to our kingdom till now.”

A grin crossed my lips. “Fishy right?” the cross in my hand then turned into a sword. “Because they were not purified, but instead massacred or so they say.”

She gasped and covered her mouth using her hands. “How cruel.”

“By the way, I'm not part of the Church. I just took you away from someone.”

My Psychopath of a lil Brother: Eminence in Shadow x Classroom of the Elite Where stories live. Discover now