'Its flo,' She murmered.

'Oh yes , sorry flo. Everyone this is our new student , be kind she's come all the way from england. Her names flo, i hope you all make her feel welcomed.'

The silence was deafening , her eyes scanned the room. All of them looked... the same? Mean and pretty boring. Her eyes landed on two boys at the back, with a seat inbetween.

They were the only two who looked somewhat different than everyone else. One boy was wearing a baggy shirt with baggy jeans, he had nice dreads in a ponytail with a white hat.

The other boy had black spiky hair, he looked pretty emo but it was alot better than how everyone else dressed.

'Lets see where i put you... Ah yes , at the back between bill and tom !' Miss Toolan pointed to the two boys at the back where she had just been looking, the seat directly inbetween them both.

Fucking brilliant.

Flo slowly walked down the aisle to her seat , she again heard a few small laughs but she decided to think nothing of it.

She placed her bag as silently as she could on the floor, and carefully sat in her seat trying not to make it squeak as to draw more attention to herself.

She felt two pairs of eyes on her but thought nothing of it.

HALFWAY through the lesson , she felt a piece of paper hit her desk.

Flo looked up , placing down the pen and picking up the note. Before she could open it, she heard a small 'hey' coming from the boy with spiky hair.

He pointed to the note and raised his eyebrows. What she was guessing was a signal to open the paper.

She looked down as she unwrapped the skrewed up ball, praying it was in english.

I absolutely love your shirt!
Your style is so nice.
Hang out w us at lunch tday?
- Bill.

She looked up to where the boy was looking back at her and slowly nodded. A smile appeared on bis face as he turned back to listen to the teacher.

A small smile began to form but she quickly shut it down trying not to appear weird to anyone who may have looked at her.

Finally for once since moving schools, flo felt like she fit in.

THE bell to signal the end of class rang and flo began to pack up. Just as she stood up , the two boys who she think she remembered were called bill and tom appeared infront of her desk.

'Hey,' Bill smiled again at her, ' Want us to show you around ? We might have some classes together!'

'Oh yeah sure, thanks! This schools massive i swear im gonna get lost.' She laughed slightly with bill but tom still didnt say anything.

'Give me your schedule,' He finally said . She thought the way he said it was rude but said nothing  as she didnt want to ruin this friendship that was starting.

'You've got your next period with both of us, third with Bill, fourth with him again and then fifth and sixth with me.' He didnt even look in her direction as she gave him back the schedule and walked off.

'Sorry about him, he's a bit eh.' Bill tried his best to give her a sympathetic smile.

Flo returned it in hopes to make it less awkward, 'Thats okay, my brothers exactly the same would rather die than be nice to someone,'


Her and bill continued to talk and form a friendship . There vibes were exactly the same.

But for some reason, she couldnt shake fof how rude his brother, Tom was. I guess he just rubbed her in the wrong way, she wasnt the biggest fan .

Who knows, maybe hes having a bad day?


First chapter!! Sorry it was kinda boring but it gets more interesting promiseeee.

1122 words.

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