Your Bio

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Name: Y/N Fujimaru Woo (Woo is Last name and Fujimaru is middle name, team RWBY addresses you with all three names, each member calling you your middle, last or Y/N) 

Age: 16

Date: 12th of May, one day before your birthday.

Height: 5'9

Aura colour: Orange (contrast with the Fate System)

Casual Look:

Beacon outfit:

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Beacon outfit:

Personality: He is like Jaune before receiving the system, lacks extreme faith in himself and doesn't want to burden anyone and handles pressure by himself and usually has a negative opinion about himself but still that does not mean he is lazy

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Personality: He is like Jaune before receiving the system, lacks extreme faith in himself and doesn't want to burden anyone and handles pressure by himself and usually has a negative opinion about himself but still that does not mean he is lazy. At the few things he finds he is good at he will practice diligently. His social life is uh.. complicated? Yang and Ruby talk to Y/N a lot and he appreciates them for talking to him to get him out his shell at-least. 

Background: Y/N comes from simple family heritage or at-least he thinks he does, his great grandfather and Great Uncle Fujimaru Ritsuka and Sung Jin Woo expert many things from the boy giving him a chance to gamble his fate into something great.

Likes: Ruby and Yang (Platonically for now), Reading, improving the areas he's good at, working hard, studying for things.

Dislikes: Putting efforts into things that don't go well for him, bullies, racism, Jaune (Volume 1 after he gets the system but will change later on).

Harem: Only team RWBY (no one FUCKING ELSE.)


Name: Y/n Fujimaru Woo
Level: 1
Title: Player, Fated Encounter
Job class: None
Sponsor: None
Hp: 200
Sp: 104
MP: 200
Strength: 11
Intelligence: 15
Wisdom: 10
Will: 10
Points available: 0

Skills: Aura Amplification F+ , Aura Manipulation F-, Spearmanship F+

Trusty Silver Spear (Common) +5 Str, Skills: None, Rank F

Description: Your trusty spear that you crafted poorly at Signal Academy can be wielded in both or just one hand. Despite its low rank, it has high durability.

Signal Battle Outfit (Rare): +15 defence, Skills: Durability F+
Description: When fighting against people, durability of outfit is increased to endure attacks and rips. 

Aura Amplification F+: The player can focus on flaring their aura to defend their whole body for as long as they can until their MANA runs out. While less efficient than manipulation it is easier to learn for Y/N and others if Y/N teaches them. Increases defences by 15% at the cost of 10 Sp per ten seconds. 
Aura Manipulation F-: The player focuses on controlling their aura to specific parts of their body to defend themselves. While it is harder to learn and offers less of a broad defence this skill can lead to much more than just Amplification of aura for the body. Increases defence by 25% percent at the cost of 15 Sp per second.
Spearmanship F+: The player is able to grasp the minor basics of attacking and defending with the spear, though they are in terrible form and balance, attacks will be more vital due to errors with attacking because of posture and form. Increase of damages with Spear based weapons by 10% and removes itself after unequipping a spear. 

[Wordcount 524]

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