The final battle

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After the final shock stops jacey slowly lifts her head from her brothers shoulder as the shaking finally stopped.

"Is everyone okay"josh asked as he makes sure his sister was alright. The others cough from the dirt around them"yeah"Todd answers.

Josh and jacey are then shown climbing onto one of the fallen pieces of the ceiling as they pant. The shark is shown thrashing in the water as the hook finally came out of its mouth "shit get out of the water!"josh warns as he pulls jacey more out of the water now that the shark is lose again. Doyle looks around before pulling him self up on the thick cable wires out of the water.

The gun josh used to kill was seen being loaded up as the shark swims around going after Doyle who pulls him self up in time before the shark could get him.

Jacey stands up just as josh cocks the gun. Doyle turns off the voltage panel as the spit open cables spark. Just as josh goes to shoot the gun is jammed making jacey worried. Doyle hooks the cable from the jeep as he clicks it on to the already opened cables. Josh throws the gun into the water as a gaint spark exploded above them as another shock is rumbling. Josh pushes jacey up the ramp as they run in slow motion. Jacey grabs on to a pipe above her before swinging her body up as she wraps her legs around the pipe as she hangs on. Josh follows her as he jumps up grabbing onto the same pipe as he lifts his legs rapping them around the pipe just as the piece of the ceiling they were on falls completely into the water.

Josh then lowers his upper body down as he glares at the shark while pulling out a gun tazer just as the shark shows his head with the little green light on its snout before fireing as the tazer prongs insert into the sharks snout electrocuting it as it thrashing around. Jacey watching as the shark slowly dies as smoke comes off of it as it is being electrocuted. 

The shark finally dies as it just floats there before sinking into the water as everyone watches silently. Josh drops the tazer gun into the water before looking at Doyle"hit it"he says as Doyle then turns the voltage back on as a loud buzzing noise is heard as power rushes through the cable all the to the jeep before a loud explosion happens as the building shakes from the impact Doyle falls into the water.

Jacey and Josh let go of the pipe they were holding on as they fall to the water below. Soon it became silent as the shakeing caused by the explosion stopped. Tina and the others who were huddled together slowly left there heads up. Tina stands up slowly not seeing josh or jacey anywhere"josh? Jacey"she says as her body shakes with adrenaline.

The jeep was no longer there as she stares out into the open looking for josh and jacey. Jacey then break's through the surface with a gasp as she wipes away the water in her face before josh breaks through the surface the siblings share a relief smile it worked as they shared a hug with one another.

Doyle then break's through the surface takeing a deep breath as he was panting. Tina sees them as she lets out a breath of relief as the others slowly stand up. The siblings them swim toward them as Tina meets them have way as she pulls josh into a hug first then lets him go so she can hug jacey.

Soon they are shown swimming towards the stairs as one by one hey climb up as they walk through the open that Doyle made. Soon light can be seen once they make it up the stairs as bully runs towards the light barking. Jacey walks through the debris as she flinched as the sun shines brightly before shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand as she walks completely out side and was in shock at the wreckage the tsunami left behind.

Helicopter engines can be heard as she looks up seeing helicopters in the sky as they rescued people as the rest join her as they stared at all the destruction. Tina looks at the siblings."what are we going to do now"she asked them.

Jacey and Josh look at one another before they look forward once again"we start over"he says as many destroyed cars are shown with tree branches stuck in them as parts of builders are scattered everywhere.the building they were in shows completely collapsed on the first three floors as cars are shown sticking out with smoke in the background. The whole beach was destroyed as many collapsed buildings are shown while some still stand.

Black smoke can be seen in different areas while some are still on fire as the helicopters fly around looking for survivors as a seagull is shown flying through the air above the ocean surface when out of nowhere a shark jumps out of the water when everything goes black.

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