Coming up with ideas

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The others in the market were shown as jessup was paceing back and forth running a stressed hand through his hair"oh man this is not happening.this is so not happening"as he paces back and forth before turning to tod"you--your a cop right you gotta do something for christsakes do something"jessup says making the others annoyed he was not helping the situation at all.

"Do you have any ideas"Tina asked jessup having enough as Doyle silent laughs to him self as jessup glares at him"oh you think this is funny do you "he says walking along the metal shelf he is on.

"More ironic really"Doyle says.

"Oh really well, please share I'm sure we could all do with a good ironic laugh right now"jessup says sarcastically glaring at Doyle.

"Think about it. You bust your ass in here 8 hours a day, 7 days a week right? You'll probably hump away like that for the next 40 years. So whatever way you cut it cover this place was going to kill you. Now it's just sooner rather than later."Doyle explains while walking along the shelf jacey was annoyed with all the arguing as she runs a stressed hand through her wet hair as it is now in ringlets.

"You son of bitch. I want you to know, the women you killed-- her name was Julie and she was a friend"jessup says she was killed before the tsunami hit.

Doyle just looks at him blankly "I didn't kill anyone"but jessup didn't care about that"it makes no difference. She died during your robbery,so it's your fault,you bastard if we get out of here alive, I swear I'm going to make you fucking pay"jessup says as he is  glaring right at Doyle.

Todd finally having enough of the arguing it wasn't helping the situation "enough!"he yells making the to go slient jessup is breathing heavy from anger before he turns away while Doyle turns his head to Todd. Before Jamie looks to the side"it's comeing back"she says bringing everyones attention to the shark as it was swimming back in there direction.

Everyone stands up as the shark swims around the shelf's they are standing on as they keep an eye on the moving fin in the water.

"Why does it keep doing that--just circling"Jamie says keeping an eye on the shark.

"Because it's not sure what we are it's curious"Tina explains as the shark is circling around them.

Jessup was confused on what she meant "curious about what"he asked.

"A sharks only curious about one thing"everyone turns to the man Steven found as Kirby was looking at all them."it's trying to decide if we're food or not"he says as jacey turns back to the shark a chill going down her back just before a rumbling is heard causing her to look up as the whole place starts to shake as dust falls from the ceiling they all look around.

"What was that?" Was heard as the shaking grows tense as more dust comes of the ceiling as someone yelps when all of sudden a live wire falls from the ceiling sparking against metal it hangs there just above the water that was not good at all soon the rumbling and shakeing comes to a slow stop Steven turns to look at the others"we have another problem"he says as everyone looks at the live wire that is sparking right above the water.

Kirby starts laughing like a maniac as Naomi turns and looks at him"why are you laughing"she says not understanding how any of this can be so funny.

"Cause he just realized when the water hits those cables, this whole place will light up like a Christmas tree"Doyle explains making everyone share a look they needed to do something fast.

Todd then turns to his boss"jessup where do we shut it down" as jessup runs a stressed hand through his hair as he bends down in a crutching position as he thinks before sitting Josh then thinks before remembering."the storage room all the power mains are in a storage room."he explains while a close up we're showing of the storage room doors.

Jacey sighs knowing death is more worse then her fear as she stands up cuz and everyone wants to stare at her"I'll go im the fastest swimmer on my team I'll go to the storage room"she says as josh and time stare at her wide eyed. Josh shakes his head as he walks over to his sister placeing his hands gently on her shoulders "there's no way in hell that your are getting back in that water I'm not letting you nowhere near that damn shark you hear me."josh tells her firmly with his body filling with fear of just picturing of what that shark will do to his sister.

Jacey sighs "then what are we supposed to do someone has to go to the storage room to shut that thing off or else we're all going to die."jacey says breathing heavily as everyone watches the siblings as they are you back and forth on who will go while Steven gets an idea."hold on. I have an idea"his says gaining everyone's attention.

Back in the car park underneath the water heather was shown looking for the shark as fear fills with in her."do you see it anywhere"she asked Kyle who looks around also before he huffs"yeah I see it,but I'm keeping it a secret from you because I want you to be surprised"he says as heather turns to look at him"oh, well, thank you for your thoughtfulness, kyle, really. It's what I always dreamed of is a boyfriend"she says well petting bully while turning to look out her window as the shark is shown swimming a long behind there car as she whimpers seeing it once again on her side"oh I can't handle this much longer. It may surprise you but I am not equipped to deal with this kind of situation "as she whimpers while she watches the shark swim in front of the car.

"Here bully I need some space"she says as she sits the dog in the back who barks just as the shark bangs against Kyle's side heather screams while the car jerks as the window cracks on Kyle's side water starts to leak in as bully was barking loudly. Heather stares at the cracked widow with wide eyes"Kyle, do something, you have to do something"she says panicking.

"Like what? Ask the fucking thing to go away "he yells back panicking just as bad before the car is hit again as heather screams"oh shit"rayn says just as heather stands up waist deep out of the sun roof looking to rayn"help!" As Kyle then joins her"help us, please! Help up! "Both scream with panic as the shark swims around in the water rayn noticed it was heading back for them."get down. Get down. Hey down"he warns them before both do what he said as they huddled in the seats with water leaking into the car just as heather turns to her window with a scream as the shark bares it's teeth as it hits the car once more as a splash of water happens.

Rayn was trying to think of a way to help them just as Kyle stands up waist deep through the sun roof"help us! Do something!" He yells with panic.

"Okay"rayn says breathing hard."help us!"Kyle yells once more.

Ryan looks around him to see if there was something to help them with while Kyle looks around for the shark. Rayn points his light on a hand hanging limply in the debris he's standing on with a bone sticking out from its forearm he turns back to Kyle "alright just get back in the car. Just stay as still a quiet as possible."he explains making Kyle look at him in disbelief as he slams the hood of the car"what are you fucking insane?"he yells back.

"Just listen, listen."rayn trys to get him to calm down but Kyle wasn't listening"why don't you jump in the water and do a couple of laps"he says as he flings some water with his hand.

"All right just listen to me, you gotta keep still okay? The more you scream, the more the sharks going to come. Hey, hey, just get back in and wait. I'm going to get the shark to come to me."rayn says making Kyle stop his yelling as he breaths heavily "wait,wait, wait, wait what?" He calls out to rayn.

"When I get over here, you swim like hell for my van over there you see it? "Rayn explains while pointing to his turned over van with the bottom part sticking up as the wheels are shown out of the water. Making Kyle breath heavily as rayn nods his head breathing hard as well.

"This is crazy"Kyle breaths out before getting back inside the care as water was leaking in fast while heather had put bully in her purse as she brings it up to the front as she sits in on her lap as Kyle turns to her"babe, look at me. Don't move"he starts off with as he grabs her hand holding it"stay here as still as you can can you do that?"he asked sher gently as she takes a deep breath before nodding her head as they sit there in silence waiting on rayn to start his plan.

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