Plan 2

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Everyone was now trying to think of a new plane while Jamie is shown walking to the edge of the shelf she was on as she sits down in front of Tina who was sniffling"hey are you okay"Jamie asked Tina softly knowing this must be hard for her as she sits crossed legged water was still dripping like rain from the ceiling.

Jamie sighs "look, we've got to try to keep it together. Okay?"she tells Tina softly as they sit there in silence for a moment.

"I know. I just-- "she takes a shuddering deep breath "when's it gonna end? And why is this happening? Why"Tina says honestly as she looks over at Jamie.

Jamie thinks for a moment while biting her lip before taking a deep breath."when my mom was dying --she died two years ago--she was so sick. I tried. "Jamie starts off while thinking"a couple of months before she died, I left. I couldn't take it. I just took off to America. And um...I wasn't there this is my payback. Life saying screw you. How are you gonna run away from this?"Jamie explained while tears build up in her eyes just thinking about while Tina looks at with so much emotion.

Doyle is shown getting a packaged knife out of the water with Naomi setting beside him with a large wooden stick .he is breathing heavily before trying to opening the plastic around the knife while grunting but no su luck as he huffs before Naomi gently takes it from him"here. There's a secret to it. You have to do it gently. Just peel the two pieces of plastic apart like that"she demonstrates as she pulls the two plastic pieces apart gently opening the package before handing the knife to him.

"Thanks "he was with a nod as they sit there in silence"was she a friend of yours-- the girl that got killed"he then asked.

"Julie? No not really. I mean, I knew her and everything, but-- "Naomi tries to explain.

"It was just supposed to be me, you know? A quick In-N-Out nobody else, just I guess it's true what they say-- let the devil take your hand and the God will make you pay " he says as he tapes the knife to the end of the stick. Jacey is shown staring out into the water deep in thought as he knees were held against her chest while Todd and Josh were shown looking at the blocked entrance"we're not gonna make it out of here are we"Todd asked him.

"I don't believe that. No. We'll make it out here."josh says with determination as they sit there in silence for a moment as Todd nods his head"good "he says.

Josh sighs then looks up before looking up at one of the air vent tunnels above them as he slowly stands up as he thinks. Back in the car park rayn is shown sawing off the off with something sharp as he grunts before the piece he was cutting finally breaks off with blood oozing out he sits down the tool he used which was sharp piece of car before kneeling down onto of hood of a car while Kyle and Heather were shown waiting in a chest full deep water in the car as they wait for the signal bully was know tucked in heathers purse as water continues to leak into the car at a fast pase while watching the shark swim around.

Rayn then puts the blood oozing park of the cut off hand as he splashes it around in the water to get the sharks attention. While heather,Kyle and bully appear out of the sunroof as Kyle climbs out first "oh, shit. It's working,it's working"rayn says when the shark turns in his direction swimming towards the blood."go now. Go, go now, now"he urged them once the sharp got closer as Kyle and Heather hurriedly climb out from the top of the car before going into the water splashing as they try to make it to where Ryan's upside down van is gaining the sharks attention as it turns his head under water.

They continue to make their way through the water as Heather holds up bully as they try to hurry as the shark comes after them."climb just climb!" Kyle yells as heather climbs up before screaming when the shark gets closer "sorry bully"Kyle says as he tosses the dog into the water before climbing up out of the water just in time as Heather screams and cries for bully.

"Bully! Bully!"heather cry's looking for her dog as Kyle holds her back from the egde but not seeing him anywhere neither the shark as they looks all around as they all pant breathing hard before the shark appears in front of rayn as its head pops out scaring the crap out of rayn as he jumps back away"fuck!"as the shark goes back underwater.

Back with the others a strong roo is thrown over the air tunnel pipe only for it to miss as jessup mumbles to him self while Doyle walks over"you need to slide it through...not fling it"he says as he carefully stepped over the space between the two shelves as he walks over to Jamie, Josh, jacey and Todd.

Josh then hands him the rope as Doyle slides the rope over the air tunnel pipe as it goes all the way across on to the other side. Before Josh grabs the hanging piece wall Doyle make sure to hold the rope tight making sure it wasn't loose."it's strong, but it can't take much weight."Doyle says as they all look to one another jessup huffs breathing heavily "screw this. I'm out of here"he says as he stands up walking past Kirby to get where they positioned the rope. Jessup rolls up his sleeves.

Everyone sharers he look before they all nodded as just tosses the loose piece to jessup who ties it securely around his upper chest."if you can get through, you get help and bring them back"josh says as jessup nods his head"yeah yeah all right. All right"jessup says as he ties the rope off.

Once it was he finished Doyle and Josh got ready "ready"Doyle asked as jessup nods his head "let's go go"before both Doyle and Josh work together useing there strength people hard on the rope as jessup is lifted above water as he sways before having a hold of vent with both hands as they pull him up more grunting."got it"Doyle asked Josh as he breathes heavily as josh nods his head as they keep the rope tight as jacey watches nervous along with the others hoping it will work.

Jessup then pulls the cover off the vent as he lets it falls down below in the water with a splash as he grunts grabbing the edges something crawling fast is heard from with in her puts one arm in as he grunts pull him self half way in before looking up just as some kind of sea looking spider crabs are shown crawling forward as he screams trying to swat them away as he falls rapidly with the tunnel pipe falling slightly as he is shown holding onto the vent as the sea like spider crabs fall down below into the water as jessup pants as water spilled down on him from the tunnel vent as they others scream as well before Doyle and Josh pull hard on the rope causing him to halt.

"Pull him up!" Todd says realizing that jessup too close to the water.

"I can make it. I can make it"jessup breaths out as he holds on. While Doyle and Josh strain to hold on to the rope"pull up now"josh yells.

"I can make it. I'm okay"jessup says as he is breathing hard but he spoke to soon cause all of sudden the shark jumps out of the water chopping its razor sharp teeth on the lower part of Justice body with a crunch as everyone lets out of blood curdling scream Jacey being the loudest as she backs away staring at the scene in front of her in horror as blood squirts out as it continues to bite down on Jessup who was screaming in agony before going limp as the shark tour his lower part of his body completely off as it falls back into the water below as blood and guts drip from the now dead jessup while Kirby falls in to the water with a splash as josh hands the rope to Doyle before rushing over to help the man out the water. Doyle looks at the half dead body before letting go the road completely as it splashes down below as the shark eats it piece by piece was feeling the water

Jacey let's out a cry while falling down into the shelf shaking I'm pear fear"were never gonna get out of here"she cry's as she grips her wet hair as josh runs over to his panicking hysterical sister as he drops on his knees in front of her"hey look at me no matter what I will get you out of here alive sis I promise"he says gently grabbing her head making her look up at him with tearful red eyes making a promise as he pulls her into his arms letting her cry into a chest as they all set there in horror at what they just witnessed.

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