it worked

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As they watch the shark eat the last of Kirby the rope that was tied to the hook starts to unravel as the shark swims. Josh noticed this as more of the rope follows the shark. Underwater the shark is shown nawing at the hook that is stuck in its mouth as it pulls. The rope then tugs once it's reached the end causing everyone to hold on tight as the shelf they were on moves from the force.

Everyone slowly stands up as Jaimie put the pieces together "oh my God it's worked"she says with wide eyes. Tears start to build in jaceys eyes and she lets out son of relief that one of there plans as finally worked while on her knees.

"Now let's get out of here"Doyle says making everyone look his way down in the car park heather and Ryan were still sitting on a over turned car."I don't think anyone's coming for us. I think if they were, they'd be here by now."heather says honestly.

Ryan shrugs his shoulders"I don't know. Maybe they're trying and they're just dealing with the same shit we are."he theories as water continues to leak from the ceiling before a surf board slowly wades through the water with bully on it. Bully barks gaining there attention as they look over. Heather sighs in relief that her dog is still alive"bully? Bully!"as bully continues to bark before jumping into the water as he paddles to his owner"no don't no"heather panics as the shark is seen underwater turning his head to the direction of the sound. They continue to encourage the dog to swim fast as they see the shark heading their direction but before the short could take a bite out of the dog Heather pulls bully into her arms safely. Heather laughs as she holds bully to her"yay bully"she smiles.

Back with the others Soon one by one they get into the water as the shark thrashed around. Jacey was swimming to were the others were before seeing her brother stuff "josh come on what's wrong"she asked as turns to face her brother before she head what he heard there was a banging on the pipes.

Jaimie looks at the pipes with a smile knowing it was ryan"it's rayn oh my God it's rayn I have to go get him" she says before turning in the direction of the main door of stairs that would lead to the car park she goes to swim but her dad calls out for her"Jamie,no Jaimie "but she doesn't stop as she continues to swim.

Jacey sees the look on her brothers face "please be careful and promise me you'll come back"she says as she wades in the water. Josh looks at her worried filled eyed"I promise now go with the others"he says before pressing a kiss on her forehead then swims after Jaimie.

Jacey watches them before they disappear through the door before swimming over to Doyle and Naomi. Tina soon joins them out of breath. They soon work on a plan to get out of here. Jacey tries to remove as much as debris as she can while Doyle sees a spark going on in the jeep as it buzzes he studies the electrical panel and the Jeep as he thinks before he and Naomi open up the hood with a creek. While he and Naomi were working on the cable as the pull it out . Doyle got back into the water as he makes his way over to the panel.

Jacey continues her job before she saw her brother and Jamie crawl out of the window with two other survivors as each one drops into the water. She lets out a sigh of relief that he and the others are okay she then saw Tina helping Jamie's dad over to somewheres safe and dry.

Jacey jumps into the water as she swims to where they were at before stumbling on to the stairs "josh"she cry happy that he kept his promise as he makes his way to her. The siblings soon reach one another as jacey hugs her brother. "Get everyone behind the ramp and out of the water"Doyle says causing jacey to pull away from the hug.

"You know what your doing"josh asked as Doyle turns to face the siblings "I'm going to hook this up and I'm gonna blow us a way out of here"he explains.

Jacey shares a look with her brother it was there only chance before a loud rumbling is heard as they look around it was another after shock. Josh grabs jaceys hand pulling her out the way just as a piece of the ceiling falls"hold on!"he hollers as he shields jaceys body with his as more debris falls form the ceiling around them. The shark is shown pulling the bolted shelf loose just as a one of the large air ducks falls down hitting the water as it now leans against the wall as sparks fly out everywhere.

A large piece of debris smacks into the cable connected with the electrical panel as it buzzes with Sparks as Doyle flinches back covering his eyes. More parts of the ceiling crash down around them. Busted cables hang low as sparks buss from them as the air duck from before slides to its side as it now floats in the water. Soon the shakeing slowly stops as dust and debris falls from the ceiling as water splashes everywhere.

Jacey stay tucked under her brothers arms as she was breathing heavily she didn't know how much more she could take of this as she tears leak from from her clutched eyes while holding on tight to her brother she just wanted this to be over.

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