Wenclair Christmas pt3

Start from the beginning


Despite seemingly having the case almost solved, Wednesday doesn't stop investigating the others. She needs to keep her options open. She researches their whereabouts by following them around. She spots no suspicious behavior, which she can't figure out is good or bad. She asks questions as well to further narrow it down, but the information she receives isn't entirely reliable. Finally, she focuses mostly on trying to figure out Ajax, but this proves hardest as Enid seems almost always at his side. She's stumped. Again.

After finishing her background check on Ajax, Bianca, Eugene, Yoko and Xavier, Wednesday returns to Ophelia hall to think. Its a stupid attempt because after a while, she tires and gets into bed. She can still hear the shower running so she doesn't go to sleep. She and Enid have found a routine now, of applying ointment to each other's wounds. Physically and emotionally.

As usual, Enid comes from the bathroom. The familiar sight of the jar in her hand makes Wednesday's stomach leap. They position themselves, this time, on Wednesday's bed. Enid sits with her back to Wednesday so she can apply the cream and then they switch, Enid putting cream on Wednesday's stomach. Today, however, Wednesday clears her throat.

"There's something else," She admits as Enid closes the jar, staring at her with exquisite blue eyes. Wednesday takes a deep breath and pulls down the neck of her shirt to show the puckered skin of her left shoulder. Enid sucks in breath in a sad way.

"Thank you for telling me," She manages a watery smile, her hands trembling, "May I?"

Wednesday nods, shocked by how shaky she is as well, "This one was...an arrow."

Enid nods, scooping up ointment on her fingers and leaning forward. She surprises Wednesday by, instead of applying the cream, pressing her soft lips to the scar in a tender kiss. Wednesday can barely breath and yet she feels her stomach sink when Enid pulls away to press on the cream.

"Was that too much?" Enid questions quietly, running her fingers along the scar and not meeting Wednesday's eyes. Wednesday shakes her head.

"No, I...it was nice actually," Wednesday can't believe she's blushing. Her face is so hot suddenly, then her whole body until she can feel molten lava practically seeping through her pores. Enid shuffles to put away the cream and Wednesday clears her throat, shaking from her reverie. She takes a leap, "Could you, erm, stay with me? Like the other night.."

Wednesday doesn't really have to ask because Enid is back at her side immediately. The pair snuggle down. This time, they get closer. Their ankles interlace and Wednesday leans her cheek on Enid's shoulder. It's bare, she's only wearing her thin, cotton singlet. Wednesday releases a shaky sigh, "I hate that you make me so...mushy. I still feel like the same person I've always been on the outside but on the inside you're making me lose my mind."

"It didn't take much," Enid quips. She's trying to sound light-hearted, but her breathing is faltery as well. She wraps an arm around Wednesday, gently brushing her fingertips up and down her waist, "You'll always be you, Wednesday. Remember that having a heart doesn't make you any less you. And by that I mean any less scary and unique."

"Enid...thank you," Wednesday relaxes, her body turning to water, soluble with Enid so the pair bond on a molecular level. She tries to be heartfelt, the way Enid is. Honesty, that's what it is, "I suppose you'll always be the cherry, bubbly person you are even if you're a powerful killer deep down."

Enid stiffens and Wednesday realizes she was too honest, "Apologies, that was worded wrong."

Enid simply laughs, "So self aware. It's okay, Addams."

It's not long after that, they fall asleep in the most peaceful way imaginable. It's been a long time, maybe never, that Wednesday has felt so content.


Overcome by a new courage (or perhaps a new motive to find the tree: Enid) Wednesday resorts to desperate measures to find the guilty suspect who stole the tree. Her prime person of interest, of course, is Ajax. So, when Enid is sound asleep (on her side of the room on this particular night), Wednesday creeps from Ophelia Hall.

She is a ghost, floating through Nevermore. She knows where Ajax's dorm is and she has Thing with her to be her doorman. Once she gets to the door she whispers, "Nail file." Thing pops out, handing it to her. Expertly, she pries open the door. When she enters, Thing stays by the door on lookout.

The room is silent except for the slow sounds of breathing from the three boys sharing the room. Wednesday almost gags on the thick musky smell overpowering the room. She's glad she's wearing the snood Enid made her, because she pulls it over her nose. She easily finds Ajax, approaching his bedside with a sense of thrill.

This is her chance. She places a hand on either side of his temples and, like magic, she's transported into one of his memories. Just as she's suspected, she can travel into other people's heads as well. Not just her own.

She looks around the memory. To her surprise, she's experiencing the memory from Ajax's perspective. She's in the common room and Enid is dancing along the desks, tinsel draped over her shoulders. She can hear the others cheering, but they're only a background noise. Her surroundings are hazy and dim, but Enid is a glowing light, clear as day. Enid holds out her hand, a grin embedded on her face. Wednesday's heart races until Enid says, "Come on, Ajax!" Which snaps her right back to reality, literally.

Ajax shuffles in his sleep, but luckily he doesn't wake. Wednesday knew traveling through his thoughts would be best at night where he can mask what he sees as simply a dream. It's a shame she found nothing useful in his memories. Only a twinge in her heart she had been able to ignore noticing entirely up until now.

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