Chapter Sixteen - Echoes of Eternity

Start from the beginning

She stood up and started pacing forwards and backwards behind the desk, trying to put her thoughts in line. All the questions he asked about her, was not to get to know her, but find a weakness to take her down. Of course, she was one of his biggest competitions in the city.

''How could I be so stupid...''

She muttered against her hand. The betrayal of the situation hitting her hard. He was trying to get to her all this time. All the talk of them ruling New York together was just a trick to make her trust him. Get all the information he could just to destroy it all. Everything she worked for. She was too blinded by his charm to notice his real actions.

She grabbed the folder and rummaged through a few more drawers till she found a gun at the bottom drawer. Gun in one hand and a folder in the other Fallon stormed into the bedroom. Not bothering to be quiet or even shut the door.

She climbed onto to the bed standing over his sleeping frame. She pointed the gun at him. Would be so easy just to pull the trigger, and yet her chest tightened. Fallon slammed the file onto his face, the loose papers scattered everywhere.

James jolted up from the smack and slowly sat up onto his elbows, completely disoriented. His hair scattered in different directions from the wild night. ''Doll? Whats going on'' He looked up at her. Her expression was cold as a stone. Like an ocean wave that was ready to drown him.

''I thought you might care to explain instead'' She said as she jumped off the bed and went to pull her skirt on.

''Where are you going?'' He asked as he picked up the discarded file now on his chest and looked at it. He sighed as he placed it down besides him, knowing exactly what it was.

''Not sure that's any of your concern''

James stood up, pulled his boxers on and went to head towards her but Fallon cocked the gun and pointed directly at him. He stopped in his tracks, just holding intense eye contact. His muscular chest was raising up and down making the ripples of the tattoos move. His breathing was deeper than usual.

''No one... No one comes after what I've build...'' Fallon said as she looked into his blue eyes. Her grey ones turning a shade darker. She watched him lick his bottom lip and swallow thickly. ''I will burn down the whole of damn New York if I have to. If that means I get what I want'' She stepped towards him, the barrel of the gun pressing against his chest. ''You understand that don't you?''

''I do''

''Good'' She said as she pressed the whole gun against his chest with her palm, giving it to him. He took it from her and Fallon went to turn away.

''So what do you think? You got what it takes? '' James grabbed her arm pulling her towards his chest and pressed the gun to her temple.

Fallon side eyed at the gun, then looked up at him. ''Try me baby''

James pulled the trigger with no hesitation.


Fallon didn't flinch, just held eye contact with him. James didn't flinch either, but he also wasn't surprised when the gun didn't go off. He flipped the gun over in his hand.

''Fully loaded clip adds 22 ounces to the weight'' He said, knowing full well that the gun will not go off.

Fallon grinned and let go of all the bullets in her palm. They made clinging noises as each one of them scattered onto the floor. As if each one of those bullets represented pieces of them. Love. Trust. Money. Power. Passion...


Song: MIIA - Dynasty

Fallon drove her car home with tears streaming down her face. She held it long enough so he didn't see her cry. And Fallon did not cry often, if ever. She knew she fucked up. She told him too much. He has too much information to do exactly what he was planning. She felt stupid and pathetic, that she fell for his tricks. She was love sick. Even though she promised herself that nothing will come in between her and what she wanted. But somewhere along the way he became what she wanted. And now it's all going to come crumbling down.

She reached over for her phone and searched for Natashas number. She stared at her name for a long time before throwing the phone back onto the passenger seat.

''Fuck...'' Fallon groaned out.

She can't call Natasha. Her and Steve are real. But are they? What if its part of his plan too. She needs to see what will happen. What if Natasha is on their side? Fallons heart was thrashing against her rib cage making her feel sick. Second guessing every choice and decision she has made the past year.

The drive home was too short for her to clear the thoughts that were running a hundred miles per hour. Stopping the car abruptly on her driveway she walked inside. She looked around the open plan floor and sighed. The many memories that she stored here seemed to hit her like a wave.

Since when has she been so emotional?

Fallon walked over to the bar in her living room and opened a bottle of vodka. She sniffed and wiped her her nose with the sleeve. Realising she was still wearing James shirt she started to cry again. Tilting her head back and taking a big swing of the harsh liquid. It traveled down her throat and stung. The heat doing nothing to numb the pain that was cascading through her body. She took another massive swing of vodka and coughed.

''Fuck...'' She groaned out and sobbed.

No amount of alcohol will be enough to numb the pain. Suddenly, she started rummaging through the cupboards of the bar.

''I know its here somewhere'' She muttered, her voice clogged up from the crying.

Finally pulling out a bag of white powder, she grabbed her phone and dabbed out two thick lines of cocaine. Brought the phone up to her nose and snorted both the lines with no hesitation. The ridiculous amount of cocaine traveling down into her system made her gasp. The sting that tore through her nose making her cough.


She grabbed the bottle of vodka again and took another swing. Sliding down the wall of her living room she sat down on the floor and placed both her hands on her head. The realisation that she fucked up, and yet she still loved him was too much. Another swing of the vodka. The alcohol mixed with the drugs were starting to hit her system.


She screamed out and launched the bottle of clear liquid across the room. It smashed against the wall and shattered into millions of pieces. The alcohol and glass plastering the floor of her home. Her chest started to feel tight and she grabbed onto it, it felt like her heart was ready to come bursting out. Her breathing became rugged and sharp, as she desperately tried to inhale the oxygen into her lungs. It felt like she was having a panic attack.

Fallon sobbed in the empty dark home and slowly laid down on the floor. Pressing the cold wooden floor to her cheek.

To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now