Chapter Fifteen - The Creator

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Chapter warnings: Mentions of child abuse, inner demons, hatred of parents.


Fallons heels skidded to a halt. Was that just a figment of her imagination? Some cruel joke mustered up by her brain to torment her some further. Maybe it was just the tiredness finally catching up with her. Maybe after all this time she is going crazy.

''Faye'' Softer this time.

Nope, its definitely real. Fallons head whipped round with the biggest snarl. That even armies would bend their knee. The stone eyes met one of her creators. The woman that left her to rot, that changed the course of her life forever. Rewrote her story to be filled with anguish and death. The woman responsible looked older than the one in her memories. Same blonde curly hair, the same amber eyes, but more sunken in. Additional wrinkles framed her face. The woman seemed smaller than Fallon remembered. Memories liked to play tricks on us, to lull us into false sense of security.

''Say that name one more time, and I will rip your tongue out Caroline''

After having another look at Caroline, Fallon decided that the word creator was too powerful. Merely a vessel that gave her capability of life. Hatred for your parents is a difficult one to explain. They give you life but not always the love that needs to come with. To be one of the ordinary people. Staring at the sad amber eyes in front of her Fallon wondered, if evil is born on created. This pathetic creature in front could have never given birth to something as evil as her.

Maybe she made a choice all those years ago after all. To bask in the dark and flourish.

''I believe you go by Fallon now?''

Fallon scoffed.

What does she mean go by? I had no choice and its all your fault.

''What do you want Caroline?''

Caroline pulled out a magazine from her handbag and pointed at the cover. It read ''power couple'' with a picture of Fallon laughing with James as they entered some prestigious club. She pointed at the picture again as if that was explanation enough.

''When I saw this in the supermarket I couldn't believe it''

Fallon raised her eyebrow as if to elaborate.

''I couldn't believe you were alive'' She pointed at her face. ''Its the smile, and that freckle just bellow your eye.. I knew it was you Faye..''

Fallon sighed. This was really not a conversation to have in the middle of her office lobby. She rubbed her neck, it has been couple of weeks since her and James extraneous activities have happened and the marks have long faded. Yet the neck rubbing became almost a habit.

''Stop waving that trash magazine and follow me. I don't need a scene in my lobby'' Fallon pinched the bridge of her nose and turned away.

Silently, Caroline followed her to the elevator. Usually the elevator took off for her office quicker than she could blink. Yet, today it felt like she's on a back of sloth going backwards. Another sigh escaped Fallons lips. She will sigh herself into an early grave at this point. The silence was welcoming, the last thing she wanted was to exchange small talk with the so called mother.

The elevator door opened, Fallon stepped out, her high heels clicking against the surface. Olivia was not at her desk, which was strange. However, Fallon was extra early today, due to the pile of work that is weighing down on her. Here is a lesson to never come to work early or you might bump into your dead beat of a mother.

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