Chapter Twenty - Hell Is Home

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Chapter Warnings: Death, Blood, trust issues, swearing, guns, form of domestic abuse ( I guess)... Anyways Enjoy :)

Fallon stared at the shiny gun that was inches from her face. One little movement and everything she worked for will be gone. All the anguish, blood, betrayal, killing and her empire. Poof, gone to nothingness. But a puddle of her blood on the floor and the lifeless vessel of her body. All the things she still wanted to do and say...

The hopes and dreams will shatter right in front of her. The hopes and dreams she had no right in having. That's how her story was written. The pages of her life were drowned in doom from the second she was born, and for the moment lost in James eyes she forgot.

Fallon took a small step back, taking in her situation. It was not favourable to her. She had no gun, no knife. Not that a knife in a gun fight would do her many favours. The man tilted the gun slightly, a dark sinister laugh escaping him.

''I wouldn't do anything stupid pretty girl'' His voice was raspy, but very certain of himself.

She couldn't make out many of his features, his face shrouded in the dark. Commotion behind the kitchen doors was creating enough of a distraction for him, shuffling of feet and many distressed voices. Fallon could feel her hands going clammy, it felt like her heart was in her throat, threatening to jump out. She wasn't afraid of death, she was afraid to loose the life she hasn't lived yet. Somewhere, deep down she always knew that her death will be painful, an abrupt end to all the suffering she endured. None of those happy endings that you read in the books or watch in films. Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

Yet, the devil and her are well acquainted. So she stared death right in the eyes. Like she has many times before.

''Boss will be so happy when I put a bullet in your face.'' The man spoke again. ''You've given him a lot of grief you know'' The man took a step forward to close the cap between them, his heavy boots scuffing the floor. Fallons reputation was well known, and the man was not going to take any chances. ''And I will get a nice pay out for your head''

''Who is this boss you speak so highly of?'' Fallon smirked. Her voice sturdy. Not betraying her inner turmoil. She knew her odds were extremely outweighed.

The man scoffed, as if she should have known the answer. ''Tony Stark wanted you dead from the beginning.'' He spat out.

Tony fucking Stark. She should have known it was him behind this. He clearly got bored waiting for James to put a bullet in her.

A gun shot echoed in her ear drums. The piercing sound, ringing in her brain. She took a sharp breath in, like its the last time she will hold oxygen in her lungs. She really wanted a cigarette, and to lay her head on James chest, to take in that musky scent of his being for the last time. Just one more time. That would be a lovely way to go. Who was she kidding, that would be too kind for someone like her.

Blood splattered and glistened in her vision. Yet, she felt no pain.

The gun that she was staring at clattered to the floor, the man behind it swung to the side and his body collided with the floor with a loud thud. Fallon let out a breath that she didn't realise she was holding in. Her wide eyes now stared at the door to the main venue, previously blocked by the man who was suppose to be her killer. Slowly she averted her gaze down and stared at the lifeless body at her feet.

''Steve told me where you were'' The familiar husky voice filtered to her head. James stepped out of the shadows. How fitting. His muscular frame seeming so much larger, more powerful while shrouded by the dark. ''You okay?'' He took a step towards her, to make sure she wasn't hurt.

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