Chapter Twelve - Vincere aut mori

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Trigger warnings: tragic childhood memories, killing, spanking. Well the usual lol

Conquer or Die

The big wooden doors to James house pushed open smoothly. Fallon peeked in and looked around. All the lights downstairs were on, but there was no one in sight. She slowly strutted over to the kitchen, her heels making soft clicking sounds against the tiles. In one hand she held her favourite bottle of wine and in the other her hand bag.

Little footsteps could be heard padding across the floor and Fallon turned around expecting to see James. Instead she saw a small boy, with jet black hair come to an abrupt stop right in front of her. The boys features were sharp, but slightly covered by the baby features that he still had. A mirror image of James, just a little bit smaller. His ocean blue eyes stared at her full of curiosity. He could have been no older than seven.

''Hi!'' He beamed suddenly.

''Hi?'' Fallon said back somewhat unsure as she placed her bag and the wine bottle on the island.

''Are you Fallon? Uncle Jamies girlfriend?'' He bounced on the spot and then lurched forward to give her a hug. His little arms wrapped around her waist and then pulled back with the biggest grin.

Girlfriend, huh...

''Uhh, I am Fallon yes'' She smiled back and looked down at the small child. ''Whom may you be?''

He grabbed Fallons hand and started pulling her along towards the living room through the big double doors, where some laughter could be heard. ''My name is Ethan'' He looked over his little shoulder and a grin spread across his face.

When they reached the living room James looked over at her with a smile. He was sat on the sofa with a little girl in his lap, same jet black hair as Ethans and James. She looked a little bit younger than the boy, around four or five.

''Oh Fallon! I didn't hear you come in'' He smiled at her with that charming smile that made her knees wobble.

He stood up, and hoisted the girl onto his hip and walked over to Fallon giving her a soft kiss.

''I knocked but then saw all lights were on'' She smiled back and looked down at the boy who was still holding her hand.

''I see you already met Ethan, I would like you to meet my sister Rebecca and my niece Ava'' He said as he gestured over to a beautiful woman sitting in one of the arm chairs with a wine glass in her hand.

Rebecca stood up from the armchair and strutted over, her long legs carrying her gracefully. Slightly wavy hair fell to her shoulder, she was wearing smart black trousers and a loosely fitting blouse. She stopped in front of Fallon and quickly pulled her into a hug.

''So lovely to finally put a face to a name!'' She chirped. Her eyes were the same blue as James. The sibling resemblance was uncanny. Was being drop dead gorgeous a requirement in this family?

''Lovely to meet you Rebecca'' Fallon said back a little bit less sure. Family gatherings were not her strong suit. She also wasn't aware that the dinner he invited her to involved his sister, nice and nephew.

''You are even more gorgeous than he has described!'' Rebeccas cheerful voice filled the room, and she punched James in the arm. ''I'll go get you a wine glass'' She beamed.

''Uh, yes sure. Thank you'' Fallon watched Rebecca walk off.

''You do drink right?'' Rebecca looked over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

''Yes, yes I do'' Fallon smiled and watched as Rebecca turned back around and padded off to the kitchen. Fallon looked back at James with her eyebrows raised as if to say 'what the fuck'.

To Dazzling Darkness - Bucky Barnes x OCजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें