Talia, an Ally?

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Batgirl and Catwoman sat on the roof of WayneTech together. The sat far above and behind the glowing sign atop the building. Behind the glare of those big letters, sat the two women. Catwoman laid on a wide railing and Batgirl sat down not too far away from her. She had one of her legs pulled in close to her. A cheek resting on her knee.
“They’re all dead. All the leads we had…will be dead by the time we recover from this hit.”
“You don’t know that.”
“They didn’t pursue us. They didn’t care. They knew they could stay hidden longer if they only kill their lieutenants.”
“They can’t be that barbaric.”
“Oh but they are…” The voice was in front of them. They jumped.
“How did you –” Catwoman started.
“The Court of Owls is a dangerous scourge on this city.” The woman nodded her head. She had brown complexion, possibly middle eastern. Mediterranean area at least. She had a brown jacket, black pants and green scarf she had around her neck. She placed a portion of it like a hood, covering her dark hair. “Name’s Talia.”
“And what are you doing here?”
“I’ve seen your work. Color me impressed.” Talia shook her head. “Almost as good as the bat.”
“Do you know him?” Batgirl glared.
“Once…a long time ago. Two lifetimes ago. We were different people then. He wasn’t the bat yet even. Just a rich kid exploring the world.”
“Then say his name.” Catwoman stood now.
Batgirl stood with her as the words left her lips. “Bruce Wayne.”
“What do you want Talia?” Batgirl asked again.
“I need your help taking down the League.”
“Call it a gift to my former lover.”
“Lover!?” Catwoman stepped forward now.
“What are we all ex’s of the man or something?”
“Ugh, gag.” Batgirl said.
“None of your business.” Catwoman glared.
“That’s a yes.” Talia chuckled. She shrugged. “Can we talk about serious shit here Selena. Or will we have to play grab ass all day?”
“How do you know –” Batgirl began.
“Because Ms. Gordon, it’s my business to know. Or should I call you Babs?”
Batgirl’s jaw tightened.
“Good. Good. Like I said I have been watching you. I wouldn’t have moved as early as you did. Now…it’s likely all the lieutenants are dead. Or missing.”
“What can you do for us then? If you haven’t taken the place down yet?”
“There is a way into Kane Industries…” Talia smiled.
“No way.” Batgirl shook her head. “Why should we trust you?”
“True…” Talia sighed. “I…I’ll help you. Here, it’s the data on my next target.” She handed over a small USB drive.
Batgirl glanced at the data, a USB reader on her arm now. She combed through the data via her AR. She sighed and shook her head. “So…you know where Kennedy March is. What happened to the dead lieutenant theory?”
“It’ll prove it and show I have some information to give. And that I’m willing to help you.”
“What’s in it for you?” Catwoman crossed her arms.
“Another evil organization removed from the board.”
“It’s one of many…” Batgirl shook her head. “How do we know you’re not a player from another team?”
“The League of Assassins?” She chuckled.
“What do you know about them?”
“Help me take down Kane and I’ll sing songs about the League.” Talia smiled.
“What’s taking down Kane?” Batgirl glared.
“Arrest him of course.” Talia nodded. “I can play by your rules. You can’t stop me from protecting myself though…”
“Noted…” Batgirl glared.
“So, how about we go crash the party at Ms. March’s?”
“Party?” Batgirl asked.
The question was answered quickly when Talia showed her the dress she was going to be wearing. She stripped and got ready right in front of them. She stretched her arms up and forward when she was done. The blue dress was beautiful, flowing with a lowcut back. She was muscular as all get out. She was likely trained in some manner. Likely from a source from Batman’s past. That made her dangerous. But it also made her a possible ally.
Talia gave them an address and told them to meet her in civilian clothes at midnight. Dress for a party, were the only directions they got. The went to Selena’s apartment. It was so new modern. White floors with a neat post-modern kitchen and bathrooms. It was so damn clean, even with the billions of cats she seemed to keep in her large condo apartment.
Selena had a few dresses Barbara could wear, after discovering Barbara had bigger shoulders than Selena did anyways. Selena found a way though. She wore a long black dress, complimented with black, sleeve gloves. Barbara would be wearing a purple dress with yellow in seams and yellow belt around her waist. It looked amazing. They both looked and felt amazing.
“So, begins the night.” Catwoman sighed. “A woman’s night out then.”
“What about your buddies? Could they join?”
“They’re off on important tasks for me…”
“How many allies do you have anyways?” Barbara pressed.
“You’ll know when you join.” Selena smiled.
“Fair…” Batgirl grimaced. “Batman is going to pissed when he finds out I moved without the team’s consent.”
“He does that rogue shit all the time. The only difference is he’s the leader so you have to listen to him. If you had more of a voice, do you really think you’d be doing things the way Batman does them?”
“I…” Batgirl thought on it. “It’s because we’re new.”
“That’s what he told me once…” Selena looked out her window longingly. “Like Talia said I guess. Different lifetimes.”
Barbara grimaced. “Do you ever miss him?”
“Do you?”
“Probably not in the same ways. I miss his guidance. His reassuring presence.”
“Sounds like a father.”
“In a lot of ways a second father sure.”
“And how does Jimbo handle your life of crime fighting?”
“He doesn’t know…”
“What!?” Selena turned quickly towards her and closed the distance between them. “Babs. Batman and Gordon are like best friends.”
“I wouldn’t say BEST friends.” Barbara rubbed the back of her head.
Selena grabbed her by the jaw and faced her forward. “Best friends. They’ve been in this crime fighting business for years, almost a decade. And you think you can just…not tell your father he works at the very least for his coworker.”
“He’d kill me.”
“Should you really be doing this then?”
“I’m good at what I do.” Barbara protested.
“I know…” Selena backed away and grimaced. “Just…be careful trusting Batman more than your own father. He’s…”
“He’s what?” Barbara said defensively now.
“I guess you’ll find out…”
“No tell me here.”
“He…he’s manipulative. What he does. The mission of trying to save Gotham. Comes first. Second are his dumb fucking rules. He’s a dictator in a bat suit…”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know you don’t…and that makes me incredibly sad for you.”
Barbara was taken aback by the response. She bit her lip and thought on it for a moment. “Okay…fine. Maybe he can be demanding. But he only wants the best out of me.”
Selena sighed and walked back to the window. She started out at Gotham. “Gotham is a dying city. Stage 4 terminal cancer and batman is trying to solve it one cell at a time. Meanwhile, crime multiplies faster than he can respond. It seems every week there’s a new psycho for Batman to foolishly send to Arkham. All for them to escape in do time. One at a time or in the case of the last one, all together…”
Barbara grimaced.
“Do you ever think what happens after you beat the shit out of these people you send to Arkham.”
“I don’t send them to Arkham.” Batgirl glares. “I…try and help them.”
“They’re criminals. They belong in Blackgate.”
“Half agree.” Barbara shook her head. “They do, but we can save some of them.”
Selena erupted into laughter. “So, wait…what you’re telling me…” She wiped a tear away. “These super criminals of Gotham are just misunderstood and in need of help. And what Batgirl? You got that help for them?”
“I try…” Batgirl glared. “What has the Birds of Prey done lately?”
Selena’s jaw tightened. “Watch it.”
Barbara scoffed. “Are we ready for this party or what?”
Catwoman shook her head. “Not like this…” She turned and smiled at Barbara. Barbara turned her head confused. “Thanks for having this adult conversation with me. It wasn’t easy…disagreeing… But I see your side, I hope you can see mine. How about we table any grey areas and go dance our asses off.”
“We’re there for a job.” Barbara smiled. “And sure. Let’s get these goons calling themselves masters off the streets.”
“I like the way you speak girlie.”
Barbara and Selena left her apartment. Down an elevator and to a garage they went to a nice looking SUV. It looked more like a tank than a SUV. Rumor was the President of the U.S. used a stretch version of this particular brand. It was quite impressive to ride in too. Plenty of room, white leather on dark wood. It was the most expensive car not owned by Wayne she had ever been in. They pulled up to another red carpet.
“What the hell kind of party is this?”
“A celebrity party apparently.”
Barbara sighed and stepped out. Flashes of light hit her but slowly dissipated. Realizing it wasn’t a celebrity. They continued a little bit for Selena. A chauffer moved on with their car. They continued through the red carpet. They walked past the journalists who didn’t stop them for anything. They went inside to find a large venue space filled to the brim with the rich of the city. And of all damn people they froze when they saw the man at the head of it all. Jacob Kane gave a nod towards them.
They waved and smiled. Not knowing he knew what they knew. Talia found them as they started walking. She gave them light taps on the butt to get their attention. “Looking good ladies.”
“Talia.” Barbara glared.
“Ah Barbara.” Talia smiled. “You look beautiful.”
“Hey.” Selena asked with sincerity.
“You too Selena.” Talia winked. “Now, let’s find a seat and discuss our next option.”
They followed her to a booth. They sat down and ordered drinks. Wine for Selena, water for Barbara and a Martini for Selena. She drank their drinks in silence for a time before Talia finally tapped the table and looked around.
“Okay ladies, there she is.” She pointed as someone walked in. Sure enough there stood Kennedy March with her boyfriend Markus Clark. “Ooo. And she brought another member.”
“Lieutenant or?”
“I’m not quite sure…” Talia turned her head. “I don’t quite know their ranks.”
“We’re working on it.” Barbara grimaced.
“Notice you don’t have an earpiece.” Talia squinted. “Are you running solo?”
“That’s none of your business.” Selena said. “Let’s concentrate on the target shall we. What are we doing here?”
They stopped when they heard a ruckus. From the entrance a man came sprinting in. He was withholding something in his jacket as he ran towards Kennedy March. All three of the girls stood. From their thigh they all threw something. Talia’s dagger hit its target first, right in the neck. Selena’s own dagger hit the assailant in the leg. Barbara’s batarang hit the weapon as it was withdrawn.
“Damnit Talia!” Barbara said as they all jumped over the booth.
They ran up to the assailant and they scooped up their weapons as they got closer. Everyone was scrambling around but Kennedy was looking right at them. She was being pulled away but stopped as her guards were trying to escort her out.
“Wait! Bring those three!” She said pointing towards them.
“Here’s our in girls.” Talia smiled.

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