Part 37

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Joey finally had Eren back in his possession, safe and sound, but all was not well. Although she was ecstatic to be free and back with her lover, she couldn't simply erase from her mind the terribly traumatic memories of her experiences. She felt as if a piece of her had been lost, a fragment of innocence tarnished and corrupted. She had lucid visions of Trent's green eyes, his massive slick teeth, and his crimson flesh engulfing her whole. She would wake up screaming and thrashing in the middle of the night with bloodcurdling night terrors.

Joey was always quick to hold her and comfort her, as best he could. He had been very protective before, but now he never let her out of his sight. The couple spent the vast majority of their time secluded in their apartment together, not going out much. He cuddled her and gave her all the love in his heart. At times, she was distant and skittish, very unlike the brave, strong Eren Joey had come to know and love. However, he tried his best to understand and be patient with her. He knew she needed time to heal.

Joey was not his full self either. The police chief, after hearing the details of his capture, had graciously granted him some leave and referred him to a therapist, whom Eren could also take advantage of. Thankfully, Joey was on good terms with his co-workers so his emotional outburst where he had nearly put a bullet in Trent's head was kept under wraps, for the most part. Even so, Joey grappled with his guilt. He believed that he had not only failed in his duty as a police officer, but also failed in his duty as a man to protect Eren. He felt terrible for swallowing Eren whole and putting her life at risk. Many of Trent's insults had stung him to his core. He felt pathetic and inferior.

Joey went so far as to even consider resigning from the police force due to his inadequacies. He felt unfit to serve, ashamed to wear his badge. However, he realistically didn't have the option. Eren wasn't working, and indeed was scared to return to the clinic, after she had been kidnapped there. Joey couldn't just switch jobs on a dime, especially when he was on leave. So, he decided for the time being to stick it out, improve himself, and try to learn from his mistakes, as difficult as it may be for him to do so.

While the couple spent most of their time in isolation, Mr. Henderson had been the first to rush over when he heard the news that his daughter had been found, and Joey had returned home. With Millie in hand, he came up and pounded excitedly on the apartment door. Joey left Eren on the couch and went to see who it was. When he was reassured the coast was clear, and it was Eren's father, he opened the door.

"Oh my goodness, Joey, what happened to you? Are you alright?" Mr. Henderson exclaimed when he witnessed all of Joey's bruises. Joey's face, as well as his exposed skin on his arms and legs, was hideously swollen with purple splotches.

"You should see the other guy," Joey quipped with a weak smile. "It still hurts all over, but I'm doing okay. Getting better." Joey didn't want to rehash the painful memory of Trent beating him up so he didn't elaborate further. Under normal circumstances, Mr. Henderson probably would have been more considerate of his wellbeing, but he had other things on his mind.

"Where's Eren? I have to see her," Mr. Henderson urged, searching the apartment with his eyes. When he spotted Eren, just a tiny speck sitting on the giant couch, he practically tripped over his own two giant feet rushing over to her. He gently set Millie down on the couch, giving her a warm smile, before scooping up his daughter in his hands and bringing her up to his chest in an enthusiastic hug. "Oh, Eren! I was so worried! I'm so glad you're home and safe!" Moisture pooled at the corners of his eyes.

Eren embraced her father, snuggling up against his giant chest and burying herself in his shirt. His familiar scent and warmth filled her with happiness. "I missed you so much, Dad. You and Joey were all I could think about. You gave me hope... when... things were dark..." She started to cry. "I love you so much, Dad!"

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