Part 29

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Mr. Henderson and Millie spent a lovely day together. The pair got along swimmingly, complimenting each other like peanut butter and jelly. Mr. Henderson was charmed by Millie. She took such innocent joy in simple things. Despite the darkness of her past, she was a happy person that lit up any room she was in. As she physically and mentally recovered, and became more comfortable with her surroundings, her feeble, quiet skittishness dissolved and her true personality shined through.

Likewise, Millie had become infatuated with Mr. Henderson. While his resemblance to her late husband had initially drawn her to him, from the very beginning when he passed out next to the dumpster, she was beginning to get to know him deeper than surface level. She appreciated how empathetic and gentle he was. He had a calm demeanor that made her feel safe. He was refined, intelligent, charismatic, and gentlemanly.

She never thought she'd fall in love with a giant, after she had been sold to giants and abused so terribly. She had lived in fear of the colossal beings for so long. Yet, she felt like, as a big, strong giant, Mr. Henderson could protect her from the evils of the world. He was a force for good. Even now, as she sat in the palm of his huge, soft hand, with his fingers cresting in a relaxed position above her head, she believed no harm could ever come to her.

The giant holding her was sitting on the couch in his home, watching TV. His hand, with her in it, was resting on his lap. Millie was too distracted by her own thoughts and her animal attraction to Mr. Henderson to pay attention to the TV. The giant yawned, covering his huge gaping maw with his free hand; he was starting to get sleepy as the hour grew late.

"Mr. Henderson," Millie asked out of the blue, "What's your first name?"

Mr. Henderson winced. "Uh... nobody calls me by my first name. Just refer to me as Henderson. I'm fine with that."

"Why not?" Millie prodded him with a pout. "Calling you by your last name... it's too formal. I'd rather use your first name, if I could."

"Oh... it's just... my name is a bit embarrassing." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"What is it?" Millie questioned him. She was burning with curiosity. "Come on, you can tell me. Your secret's safe with me."

"Well... um... okay. If you insist. My name is Milton," Mr. Henderson confessed.

Millie giggled. "Milton! That's a cute name. I like it."

"R-really? You do?" Mr. Henderson asked incredulously. He had been teased enough as a kid for his dorky name, so he was in doubt anyone could actually find it appealing.

"Of course! Millie and Milton! Our names match!" she observed with delight.

"Oh... oh yeah! That's true," he remarked with a chuckle. "I guess that means we're meant to be." Millie smiled up at him, batting her crystal blue eyes flirtatiously. Mr. Henderson felt something strong stir within him, a different sort of hunger than the one from his stomach that had been plaguing him. Something lower down in his body. He gulped. "Well... I guess it's time for bed." He said the words, but didn't move. He wasn't sure if he would be too forward to ask for what he wanted.

"Milton," Millie said in a low, dulcet tone, drawing him in with her hypnotic eyes. "Would you like to show me paradise?"

Mr. Henderson disliked his first name, normally, but when Millie mentioned it so seductively, he suddenly liked his name. A lot. "O-okay," he stuttered, stumbling over the word with his tongue. Why did he feel so nervous? And yet... so excited for new possibilities! He stood up and carried Millie to his bedroom, gazing down at her the whole time.

Her little body was so small and fragile. He was worried, if he got too excited in the heat of passion, he might accidentally crush her. He would have to be very careful, considering his massive bulk. He deposited her on the bedspread, and she looked diminutive on the vast landscape of his bed. He hesitated. Under regular circumstances, he had no issues with taking the lead. However, their ridiculous size difference changed things. He was concerned about unintentionally pressuring her into something she didn't want to do; he hoped she wasn't intimidated or afraid of him for being a giant.

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