Part 28

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Mr. Henderson had been deeply shaken after almost devouring Millie. His attitude towards food had changed radically. Whereas before the mere thought of eating made him sick, since he imagined chomping up humans with his food, now he was desperate to rid himself of his hunger, in order to protect Millie. He smashed through his mental inhibition to eating and wolfed down every food item in sight, to placate the voracious, growling beast of his stomach within.

Millie found his rapid onslaught of gluttony disquieting. She didn't fully understand what was going on inside his head, but watching the enormous giant shovel into his mouth everything edible within his vicinity, especially when he had nearly eaten her, scared her a bit. She made sure to steer clear of his food, to prevent a repeat of the prior incident.

Still, Millie trusted Mr. Henderson not to eat her on purpose. If he had wanted to, he had his chance. Yet, he had spat her back out when he realized she was in his mouth. He had ample other opportunities as well, such as when she was unconscious in the alleyway, alone with him. Instead of gobbling her up, he took her to the hospital, despite being weak and famished enough to pass out himself. She wasn't sure what had caused him to lose weight and go hungry in the first place, but she could plainly see he needed food. He was underweight and malnourished, just like her. She understood all too well how he must feel physically: She was hungry too. She ate heartily at his house, making sure to avoid his plate while he was eating, and felt much better. Her body was becoming stronger, her thoughts clearer. Her fainting fits had disappeared. She was happier than she had felt in an eternity.

She could see Mr. Henderson was feeling better from filling his belly, but still depressed about his missing daughter. "Mr. Henderson, why don't we go out for a bit? Take a walk?" she suggested. She wanted to spend some time with him outside the house and get to know him better. She hoped being out in the sunlight and fresh air might cheer him up.

"Sure, that sounds nice," Mr. Henderson agreed, laying his hand down for Millie to join him. To his relief, now that he wasn't so hungry, his craving for human meat was fading. "Want to ride on my shoulder?"

"O-okay," Millie replied hesitantly, clinging to his fingers as he lifted her up in his hand. He raised her up the remarkable distance to his shoulder and tucked her safely into his shirt collar so she wouldn't fall off. Millie huddled up to his warm neck, amazed at the height. She felt like she was on top of a living mountain, hundreds of feet above the ground. The experience was nerve-wracking, but also exciting. She could feel the giant's steady pulse in his neck. "I'm ready," she informed him.

Mr. Henderson walked out the front door, into the bright sun. Millie was invigorated, being so high up, ready for adventure. She had never ridden on the shoulder of a giant before. His huge long strides made her rock back and forth, but she felt secure in her position.

"Would you like to go to the park?" Mr. Henderson asked her. "It's very nice there."

"That would be lovely," Millie answered, snuggling up closer to his neck. "I'm content to go wherever you please. You're driving, after all." She giggled and rubbed her face on his soft skin. Mr. Henderson felt his cheeks grow hot, and hoped Millie didn't notice him blushing. He hadn't had a woman nuzzle his neck like that in a long time. It turned him on.

All at once, Mr. Henderson realized he was attracted to Millie. He hadn't acknowledged his budding feelings when he was scared that he would eat her, but now that he was feeling like his old self again, he couldn't deny it. And, as an older and more experienced man, he wasn't naïve: It was obvious she was attracted to him too. In fact, she was even flirting with him.

He wasn't sure how to proceed. His heart had been closed to love for a very long time, after his wife divorced him and shattered his world. He had only recently warmed up to the idea of finding another woman to call his own. He hadn't dated or had sex in years. To complicate matters, he had never dated a human before either. Could he find love, and have his needs fulfilled, with a human woman, the same as he could a giantess?

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