Part 21

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For the entire day, Dr. Rajak and his giantess wife were tense. The doctor had contacted Joey and informed the giant officer that he was willing to play the role of bait to aid the investigation to save the missing humans. Joey was overjoyed and told him that he would call when everything was arranged and set up a time. Apparently, he would need some time to procure trackers small enough to plant on the human. He said he might have to borrow equipment from the human police department on the other side of the wall.

Nurse Rajak, despite giving her reluctant consent to her husband's involvement in the plan, was not happy about it. As they went about their regular shift at the hospital, she was clingy and overprotective of her tiny husband, constantly grabbing him up and holding him close whenever he wasn't directly occupied with a task. She showered him with affection every chance she got, hugging him against her giant boobs, petting him with her fingers, and kissing him.

As much as he liked the extra attention, she was embarrassing him in front of patients and coworkers. He usually tried to maintain a detached air of professionalism and authority. Since he was so small, sometimes the giants around him did not take him seriously. He had to be assertive, even aggressive, in order to be heard and respected. With her handling him like a doll, emasculating him, he was concerned he was opening himself up to ridicule and disrespect.

Even so, he was patient with her. He understood how she felt. She loved and cared for him intensely. He felt the same way about her. If their roles were reversed, he was sure he'd be acting the same way. Besides, he was beginning to get nervous about the operation himself. He needed some comfort from her, maybe just not in the excessive quantity she was currently supplying. Deep down, he had to admit he had a twinge of regret for agreeing to put himself in danger. However, he wasn't going to back out now.

They ended their work day, went home, and cleaned themselves up. Before the duo had a chance to settle down and relax, though, Dr. Rajak's phone rang. Nurse Rajak eyed him anxiously, kneading her hands, as he answered. It was Joey. The police were ready. Joey asked if he could come to the police station now, and Dr. Rajak replied in the affirmative. He hung up the phone and made eye contact with his wife.

"It's time." She nodded stiffly, biting her lip, and held out her graceful hand for him to step into. He gently grasped her finger and climbed into her palm. Clutching him securely, she carried him to the police station without speaking. They enjoyed each other's company as the sun began to set below the buildings, tinting the firmament with a deep orange. The windows on the buildings reflected the sky, setting the town on fire with light.

When the couple set foot in the police station, the place was buzzing with chaotic activity. Ray spied the two and guided them over to Joey, who was in the middle of discussing his plan with a few other cops. He spotted the doctor and grimly nodded.

"Are you ready?" he asked. The doctor confirmed that he was committed. Joey had his wife set him on the table and sat down to explain how the operation was going to work. The other officers whom Joey had been briefing stared at the human with curiosity.

"Since you're essentially going undercover for your role, we need to give you an alternate identity, in case you're asked any questions. Your story is that you just got hired to work at the boarding school as a human counselor. Since most of the abducted humans attend the school, we suspect the kidnappers will be looking for victims in that general vicinity. So, we're going to have you walk around near the school and try to lure them out. With me so far?" Joey adjusted his glasses. The doctor gulped and nodded.

"We have a business casual outfit for you to change into, and shoes with trackers in them so we know where they take you. We won't be able to monitor you directly within visual range: Otherwise, we'd scare them off." Joey pushed a bundle of clothes across the table to the human. "Other than that, you don't need to know much. Just act scared when they catch you."

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