Part 19

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Trent deposited Eren on the dining room table and pulled a big pork chop out of the fridge to fry up. Humming to himself, he slapped the meat in one of his unwashed pans from the sink and cooked it on the stovetop. Eren grimaced as she was reminded of all the roaches crawling around amongst the dishes. Trent was a contemptible, lowlife wretch and obviously didn't care about cleanliness.

Eren cursed her puny size as she quickly surveyed the table. Here she was, standing right next to a gun and a knife, and still defenseless. She wouldn't be able to even lift the giant weapons, much less use them. She paced around on the table, looking over the edge for some way to get off, but she had nothing to climb down on or cushion her fall. She figured Trent must have set her up intentionally, to make her feel small and insignificant.

The giant's shadow fell over her as he returned to the table. Even though she was aware that anything she did was pointless, she ducked behind one of the objects on the table that was nearby, the vial. He plunked down a giant plate with the cooked slab of meat on it, along with a fork and knife, and paused, thinking to himself. He went over to the fridge and obtained a bottle of barbeque sauce, then came back and sat down. Eren followed his every movement with trepidation.

"Take your pill," Trent demanded harshly. Her bottle of pills was on the table from the prior night. The giant rolled the bottle towards her with the tip of his finger. Eren looked at the bottle with fear. Trent popped his own pill, dumped sauce all over his pork chop, and began eating his dinner, tearing apart the meat with vigorous strokes of the serrated steak knife. He hardly seemed to chew at all, opting instead to swallow down the cut-up chunks of meat whole. Eren supposed that fact was good for her, because at least he wasn't inclined to chew her up when she was inside his mouth.

Reminding herself that she needed to stall long enough for Joey to come rescue her, Eren bitterly swallowed her own capsule. She couldn't see any other way out of her predicament, after all. She absolutely did not want to die inside Trent's body. It was bad enough to stew inside his stomach for hours, but imagining her flesh dissolving off her bones into ribbons as she was digested alive was too much for her to handle.

She tried in vain to mentally steel herself for the torture that was to come, but she was startled when Trent poured barbeque sauce all over her. He scooped her up with his fork, careful not to stab her, and slapped her down on top of the half-eaten cut of pork. She quivered with fear as the hungry giant, so incredibly massive, loomed over her, eager to wolf her down. Trent ate around her to prolong her suffering, chopping up the meat into cubes with the huge, shiny knife, impaling them fiercely with his fork, and stuffing them in his mouth with a mischievous grin. Eren flinched away from the gigantic eating utensils whenever they hovered too close to her. The giant used this to his advantage to viciously chase her back with the point of his knife, only to sneak up behind her with the fork and scrape her up off the meat. She yelped in shock and tried to retreat, but he had already raised her up too high off the table for her to jump off. She clung to the teeth of the fork, terrified both of falling and of being eaten.

The giant rested the splines of the fork on the edge of his lower lip and bared his teeth at Eren. She shrieked and scuttled back but had nowhere to go. He opened his rows of teeth and stuck out his tongue, giving her an exploratory lick on her breasts and face. As he suspected, her flavor matched very well with the sauce. Eren whimpered and started to cry. He opened his mouth, tilting his head and the fork back so Eren slid inside onto his big, meaty tongue. Her screams of protest were muffled as he closed his capacious maw around her, cradling her on his tongue. He rolled the little woman around inside his slimy mouth, slurping up the sauce coating her body and drenching her with saliva.

Ah, she tasted so good. He was hungry. He could feel her miniscule limbs moving around, trying to push away from his teeth and tongue. He felt a small pinch on his tongue as she tried to bite him. She was so feisty. How cute. He raised his tongue toward the roof of his mouth like a ramp, and she slipped into his gullet. He swallowed with tremendous pleasure and felt her weak struggles as she slid down his throat. He placed his fingers on his skin and traced her journey all the way down through his chest and lower until she dropped into his stomach. He rested his hand on his abdomen for a moment as he felt her thrashing around inside his belly. He lowered his hand further, running his fingers along his skin under the waistband of his boxers until he was gripping his rock-hard cock. All her robust efforts to get free from his body had turned him on again. As a young man in his prime, he was always horny. He jacked himself off, getting more and more excited as Eren's battle with his innards became more heated and desperate.

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