Mafia King&Queen-9

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*Next day*

Today, we have a mafia party where I need to go. I will not be revealing my face because I want it to keep it a secret. But once I go to this Mafia party, I can then start my missions. Till yet, I haven't  gone to Mission, but I just went to like 5-6., that also it was so small.

Lisa:Hey, Y/n
Y/n:Hi Lisa.
Rosè:hey guys
Y/n/lisa:Hello Rosè
Jisoo:.Good morning
Y/n/Lisa/Rosè:good morning
Rosè: Did you hear that the Mafia king is also going to come
Rosè:i don't know, maybe because he also wants to reveal himself
Jisoo:But in my memory he haven't went to any mafia parties like Y/n. He kept himself hidden.
Lisa:Is he copying Y/n?
Y/n: Maybe, well, I don't have a problem
Jimin:Hey guys, good morning
Y/n:Good morning Mr shorty
Jimin:Didn't I tell you not to call me that
Y/n:we'll I don't care about it
Rosè:we have a mafia party today, babe
Jimin:Yeah, I am also coming
Y/n: I didn't know babies were allowed to come
Jimin:fu*k you b*tch
Y/n:Thank you wh*re
Jimin:I sometimes have thought how you ended up in my mother's belly
Y/n:I thought you knew about it more than me
Jimin: You are such a pain
Y/n:maybe thatswhy I was born

Jimin rolled his eyes

*Time skipped to evening*

We all got ready to go to the Mafia party  I took my black lambo and others tool theirs. We headed off to the party.

I was at the party waiting for the Mafia queen that'd when I sae Jimin, why is he here.
V:Hey, why are you here.
Jimin:I came with my parents
V:I was thinking, How can you come when you are not a mafia? Wait, what about your sister? Is she a mafia??
Jimin:No, she said she is not interested in such things
V:oh  lets go to the others
Jimin:The others are also here, then let's go

We all reached the Party Hall. And I sae Jimin talking to Jimin. That'd be when I remembered I forgot to tell him not today I am a Mafia.
I called him because I can't go near them as I am wearing a mask to not show my house and if I go there they will who I am to Jimin.then he will need to say I am his that can't happen. Let me fall him quickly!

Y/n:Yeah, b!tch come to me fast
Y/n: because I need to talk to you urgently
Jimin:Wait, I'll come then.

                                             End of OTP
Jimin came to me and I explained him the situation to him.

Author POV
If you didn't understand what is happening here or want to know the background details, read this, okay?

Y/n is attending this party for the first time, and she is going to reveal herself but not her face just herself as I told you before she doesn't really go to any mafia party. So today, she has put her mask on her so that no one knows identify her.
So probably no one will understand her. That is what she thinks. Let's see whelter if anyone notices her. Who knows?
Back to the current story

Jimin:Why didn't you tell me this before? I already told V you are a Mafia
Y/n:wth jimin!!
Jimin:Chill chill. I didn't say to him you are a Mafia. I just told him I am here on behalf of my parents. He only knows that our parents are Mafia, and I told you they are not interested in Mafias. Got it?
Y/n:ahh thank god. I really thought for a second everything went out of my hands. Okay, then now go to your friends and continue talking and if they ask me say I didn't come okay?
Jimin:Stop ordering me
Y/n:Whatever, do what I say

I went to my friends who looked like they couldn't breathe
Rosè:when are we going home. I can't breathe because of this mask, *she said, irritating face*
Y/n:we will go after 2 hours, *I said in a calm voice.*
Lisa:whattt noo*she whinged like a kid*
Jisoo:Don't be like a kid, be mature. You're in a mafia party, not in a birthday party

I was talking to hyungs thatswhen I felt some tapping my shoulder. I turned back and saw Jennie
Jennie:Am I late oppa
V:no jenniee don't worry about it.
Come let me introduce you to Jimin. Jimin, you remember that girl who poured a jug of ice cream in your face.
Jimin:it is you!!
Jennie:I am sorry I was kid, and I didn't mean it at all.*she said laughing awkwardly*
Jimin:ahh okay okay don't worry  we'll I am Jimin. Nice to meet you, Jennie Kim*he said smiley*
V: Now s let's go they are going to call me now. Okay

Mr Kim: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. As we know, today we can make deals with each other.............................*we continued he speech*....and toady you got two good news or maybe bad news for some.well we have our two King and Queen Mafias. Let's welcome the Mafia Queen with a round of applause for the Queen!!

Saying that, the Mafia Queen went to the stage. Woah, she really looks brave.
Mafia Queen: Hey guys, as you know, I am the Mafia Queen, and if you want to make a deal with me. Cine with me, and if you want to be my rival or want to kill me, try every possible way you can to get my positions or want to kill me. But I bet you won't can't kill me that easily, so if you think you can just shoot a gun at me right now. You are dumb because I may be wearing bulletproof inside my dress. You don't be dumb and come up with a brilliant plan to kill me.
Saying that she gave a handshake to Dad and went out of the stage, I liked her speech it was clean. Next is me

Mr Kim: Thank you for the speech, Mafia queen. I hope you won't die soon and rule this Mafia industry. Now, let's call the Mafia King.

Saying that the spotlight came to me and everyone's attention was on me.i stood with a proud face and went to the stage. I didn't really prepare a speech. So I didn't know what to speak but I spoke something that came out of mouth.

V:I am V, aka the Mafia King. You all been waiting to see so that you can kill or be friends with me so that you can be protected by me. I don't care.  I don't know what to say, and my speech is not that better than Mafia queen.
Saying that, he went out of the stage and went to my seat.
Jennie:oppa, give me a hand. *I gave her my hand*. I am so proud of you, Oppa
V:You should be*I said in a proud face*

*Time skipped and peoples started to talk to each other and some where dancing to the DJ and some were eating food I thought this is the prefect opportunity to talk to the Mfai queen, I started walking to her*

To be continued.....


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