Not Without A Fight

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Poe's P.O.V.

Ah, there is my sweetheart.


I speak up when I see her short figure storming down the hall and through the crowd of people. If I didn't know her usual brooding walk like the back of my hand, I would have missed her in this hall from how crowded it is. Swerving around pilots and troopers, I holler louder this time since Eva has yet to notice we're in the same sector on base.

 "Sweetheart, wait up."

When I see Eva's pace slow down and people walking around her instead of her nudging them out of her way, I let out a sigh with a crooked smile. Jogging towards her while being careful not to knock anyone down, I feel my heart skip at the last words she confessed to me. I love you. Those three words have been repeating in my mind since they fell from her lips.

Though our reunion when we arrived at base got cut short by sweetheart herself, I fully intend to make up for lost time. I haven't seen her in months because she was training with Legendary Master Luke Skywalker and when I did finally see her after all this time; her twin brother threw us into an arena to fight for our lives. However, all that is over; Evangeline is finally back home, we escaped the First Order, and I plan on spending every second I can with her before the galaxy calls upon her again.

Stars, I might only have tonight before something or someone drags her away from me again.

Coming up behind her and gently grabbing her elbow, I guide us to the side of the hall as she turns around to face me. When our eyes collide, I let out a scant breath at having her here in the flesh after all this time. Then, not wasting a second of our time, I grab the fabric of her shirt with one hand and yank her to me in one smooth motion.

Gasping in surprise, Eva slams into my chest from the force of me tugging her and closes the distance between us. Without hesitation, I snake an arm around her waist and tip my head down to kiss her. I feel Evangeline shudder the second our lips connect and her hands twitch with the need to clench something.

Groaning at just getting a small taste of her, I deepen the kiss by sinking my tongue past her parted lips. Her lips are soft, unlike how she is most of the time, while her body is warm against mine and I lean forward to drown in her. Locking my one arm wrapped around her waist, I raise my other hand to cradle the back of her neck. 

When I feel her hands grasp at my jacket, I rock our lips together before tilting my head to the side and tightening my hold on her neck. Eva kisses me like she's holding down a bad attitude and I wouldn't have it any other way. Everything about her draws me in like no other person can and in this moment, I wish I we didn't wait months to have each other as we do now.


Eva murmurs into my lips and I hum in response before running my hand on her neck through her hair and to the back of her head. Kissing her, silently showing her just how much I missed her, I roll our bodies together to make sure all the distance between us is gone. Nudging her nose with mine, I halt my affection on her lips and whisper playfully.

"You left me in the hangar earlier to talk to your uncle... I hope you know I will get those stolen seconds back from him."

"Oh, lord." Eva snorts at my words and her breath fans over my face as she blinks her eyes open. Swallowing on nothing and tipping her head back to meet my gaze, she whispers in a different tone than before. "Dameron..."

"I missed you, sweetheart." I confess honestly of what I felt ever since she left to finish her training. Rubbing my thumb over her cheek with utter appreciation, I comment with a crooked smile while shaking my head pitifully. "Eight months is too long. BB-8 and I have been lost without you here." 

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 30, 2023 ⏰

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