Flicker Of Hope

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Poe's P.O.V.

"So... What's next?" I speak up while raising an eyebrow. "What do you have planned on your Jedi itinerary?"

"Finding a teacher..." Eva announces while helping me shut down the cruiser. "Finding my uncle."

Grinning at her answer, I nod without saying a word while helping her turn off our ship. I'm simply contented to hear how she hasn't completely given up on the search for Luke Skywalker. We just landed in the hangar of the Resistance's base; the ride back here was smooth and there was no unwanted coming stopping us as we flew through space. 

When the power is off in our cruiser, the two of us stand up and leave the cockpit. BB-8 is the first one to roll out of the cruiser while Eva waits for me to grab our bags before leaving. Picking up our luggage, I smile encouraging at her and come to stand beside her. 

Her expression seems relaxed, steady and utterly at peace, making me wonder what her Jedi business was on Coruscant. I haven't attempted to ask her about it since I can tell her mindset has changed. Slowly, piece by piece, I'm seeing the woman General Leia spoke so highly about.

"Sweetheart, I'm..." I blurt out without thinking, making Eva meet my gaze. Knowing I have to finish my statement now that I have her full attention, I admit sheepishly. "I'm proud of you."

Eva stares at me for a moment with an off-guard expression, as if she wasn't expecting my confession. After a second of silence, she smiles at me with her cheeks getting a shake of pink. Tilting my head and letting out a breath, I add, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I just... I've seen how you've grown since I first met you and... I'm proud."

"... Poe, I... You..."

Evangeline speaks up, but her words retreat from her lips from being uncertain as her eyes stay locked on mine. Closing her mouth and nipping at her bottom lip, Eva offers me a genuine smile before looking away. My eyes stay on her and I feel like all the air left the room as she tries to mask her expression from me.

After a second of silent tension, Eva's eyes dart to mine before stepping onto the ramp and I instantly follow her lead. Walking down the ramp together, side by side, the two of us suddenly hear clapping and hollering. We stand stiff as a board when we step off the ramp and find an enormous crowd in the hangar. 

Most of the Resistance is standing in the hangar around our cruiser with beaming grins. They're staring at us with their hands clapping and voices shouting in triumph. In the next second, Eva and I glance at one another in awe, realizing the Resistance already knows what the Senate voted on. 

Leia must have announced the Resistance's fate before we got here. The soldiers have probably been waiting in the hangar to congratulate us. Smiling at the resistance, I wave at them and peer back over at Eva beside me while teasing. 

"I guess I'm not the only one proud of you."

Not peeking at me, Eva stares at the crowd with a tomato blush forming on her cheeks. A heartbeat later, she shuffles past me and in the group's direction. People move out of her way to give her plenty of room as she walks while they clap and cheer for her. 

I watch her nod shortly to people as she makes her way to an exit in the hangar. Bitting my bottom lip, I grin at the praise Eva utterly deserves; I'm not sure if anyone has ever made her feel this commended. Evangeline's trudging through the crowd gradually as if she doesn't want to be rude yet wants to leave the scene as soon as possible. 

Shaking my head and watching the woman who has filled my time, I smirk, knowing she's changed everything. Evangeline has changed the game just like Leia knew she would, and all I can do is try to keep up with the Jedi. Watching her in amusement, I then notice my droid rolling after her, causing me to frown.

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