Just Need A Little More Time

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Evangeline's P.O.V.

"Next in line!"

The cook shouts while handing me my food before I turn around and wander away on the busy pavement. Nothing has changed since the incident in the alley, which I'm thankful but that doesn't mean no one recognized me on the camera. Walking down the road, I head toward the docking bays in this city through the crowds of people.

Glancing at the ships in around, I search for one easy to abduct to get off this planet before unwanted company comes looking for me. However, most ships have people lingering around them as if they know individuals in this city will steal it the moment they're away.

Getting shoved a few times from people walking passing me on the road, I devour my meal for the day. When I see stormtroopers out of the corner of my eye, I keep my head down to be unseen and get lost in the busy street. The only good thing about stormtroopers is that once you figure out how to kill one, the rest are easy.

I figured out rather quickly how the First Order Troopers are the same as the Empire troops.

However, it's easier not to cause a scene with stormtroopers because more always seems to come. Finishing my food in minutes, I toss the wrapper to the ground and get further lost in the crowd. Strolling away from the docking bays, knowing today isn't my day to steal one, I head to my temporary hideout.

I'm about to turn into an alley and check around me to make sure no one is following me. Turning my head slightly, I notice a group down the road searching for something. My heart drops at the sight, realizing it's the Guavian Death Gang with the red uniforms.

"... Blasted."

I mumble to myself as I see them checking women with head coverings. The Guavian Death Gang have red masks with a black circle at the front, hiding their faces. Taking my blaster out of my holster, I stride into the alley, hoping to lose them before they even see me.

Tugging my cloak closer to my face with my blaster clenched in my hand, I make a beeline to where I've been hiding for the last week; an abandoned basement to a death stick lab. Shuffling like no one is after me, I keep my head down and ignore the catcalls my way by men in the alley who are high off their asses. Making a few turns in the small alley, I have one more turn before I reach the abandon basement.

"Eva Solo." I hear Bala-Tik's annoying voice behind me, making me groan to myself. "You're a hard woman to track. Just like your father."

"Listen... If my dad owes you money, it's not my problem."

I speak up lightheartedly and slowly turn around to face him. Bala-Tik is surrounded by his gang of red, stupid looking uniforms; he's the only one without a mask covering his face. Smiling at him, I offer him a sympathetic gaze and remind him.

"You know I haven't done a job with him in years-"

"I'm here for the job you didn't do, Solo." He announces with an irritated look. "We never got our shipment of fathiers or the thirty thousand credit you owe us."

I exhale slowly, wishing this was about my father and not me. A few months back, I cut a deal with the Guavian Death Gang to steal a shipment of Canto Bight's best fathiers for thirty thousand credits. Instead, I used the credits for a cruiser and never looked back, thinking they would be the last to find me.

The cruiser I bought is now in pieces at the bottom of a lake on Naboo from the First Order. I'm guessing whoever saw me on the camera the other day works with the Guavian Death Gang and knew they've been searching for me. Letting out a sweet innocent chuckle, I flash them the princess smile my mother taught me when I was younger.

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