One Missing Daughter

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Evangeline Solo's P.O.V.

"Hey, you there! Stop in the name of the First Order!"

I hear a stormtrooper call out from behind me and my heart instantly races. Holding my navy blue cloak closer to my body, I glance behind me in fear. That's when I see two stormtroopers arrest a man a yard away from me. 

Holding my breath, I keep walking down the pavement of Daiyu with my head down. In the past six years, the First Order has risen to power, taking control. I've traveled from planet to planet just to stay one step ahead of the First Order.

Turning the corner, I walk down an alley to stay clear of any more stormtroopers. I've tried my best to hide who I am, but when being a Knight of Ren's twin sister, it's easier said than done. The First Order is searching for me, that much is clear.

The Knights of Ren have hunted me a few times, but they keep losing my trail. No one knows my whereabout on this system yet and hopefully it will stay that way. Keeping the navy blue hood over my head to hide my face, I keep walking down the alley, trying to stay unnoticed.

"You lost, pretty little thing?"

I hear a man leaning on a brick wall in the alley speak up to me. He has a smoke between his lips and I'm sure there's some type of drug in it. Keeping my head down, I walk past him without saying a word.

"Hey, I'm talking to you." 

The man snaps just as I feel a harsh hand on my shoulder. Spinning around, I grab the side of his head and slam him into the wall beside us. Next second, I kick his gut and he stumbles away from me before hitting the ground on his back.

Letting out a breath, I glance around to see if anyone saw what I did. I see no wandering eyes before I realizing my hood fell off my head when I struck the man. I go to put it back over me as my eyes continue to scan my surroundings.

I'm about to let out a breath of relief that I didn't blow my cover when I notice a camera above me with a red light blinking. My heart drops when I look straight at it, and I rush down the alley. Panicking, I realize I only have a day or two before someone notifies the First Order, and they cover this place in stormtroopers.

Perhaps whoever is behind the camera doesn't have a care in the world about who I am. Though, I can't risk having the Knights of Ren hot on my tail again. Especially if Kylo Ren joins them in their hunt for me this time.

Poe Dameron's P.O.V.

"Come on, General. What is it going to take?"

I groan while following the Leia down the hall of the Resistance base. I joined the Resistance two years ago to be a pilot and fight against the First Order. It's been one hell of a two years and I have no complaints, but one thing has stayed the same. 

My ranking title.

"I'm one of the best pilots we have." I defend myself as General Leia looks unfazed by my plead. Following closely beside her, I continue my rant, trying to get her to cave. "You know that... Why else would I be Black-One?"

"Dameron, have I ever told you that you're funny when you want something?" She speaks up casually while keeping her eyes on the door at the end of the hall. When her eyes dart to mine, she smiles honestly at me before pointing out the obvious. "I'm sorry, but you just don't have enough experience yet to take on that kind of responsibility."

"I am. Just give me a chance." I blurt out as we reach the room she's heading towards. The door slides open for us and we walk in together as I beg. "What can I do to show you I have enough experience?"

"Stay alive and be patient." She answers simply while noticing one officer in the room signalling her over to their transmissions. Rolling my eyes at her response, I follow her to the officer saying. "If this is about the last mission, it wasn't my fault-"

"General Leia, I thought you might want to see this." The officer interrupts me while staring at our General. "One of First Order's cameras we've hacked into on Daiyu picked this up last night..."

Frowning in confusion, I put my hands on my hips, trying to think about what could be so important on Daiyu that General Leia needs to see. The system is full of crooks and thugs that have no morals. If anyone wants to run away from their past and never be seen from again, that's where they go.

General Leia and I stand side by side as the officer pulls up a hologram of what the camera caught last night. The hologram shows a woman in a blue cloak staring at the camera like she just got caught. The woman has a button nose, clear pale skin, full pouty lips and enormous hazel eyes.

She's rather pretty for someone on Daiyu.

Her dark wavy hair is a mess, as if she was just in a fight. The woman looks like the most harmless thing I've ever seen, which is surprising since she's in a system like Daiyu. Glancing at Leia, I find her eyes get glassy with tears as she lets out a breath of relief.

Frowning at her in concern, I step closer to her, wondering why she's getting teary eye over a hologram picture. Her eyes haven't blinked since looking at the woman in the hologram. There's a long moment of silence between Leia, the officer, and me, before Leia's eyes meet mine.

"You want the chance to prove you have the experience to be a commander... " The General announces to me in all seriousness. My eyes go wide at her words and I instantly nod my head, saying. "Yes. All I need is one chance."

"Alright, then." General sighs before waving a hand at the hologram of the woman. "If you can find her and bring her back here alive, then the rank of commander is yours."

"Really? I'll take it." I gasp at how simple this mission will be to find some civilian and bring them back to base. Scrunching my brows for a moment, I can't help but ask. "... But, can I get a reason on why you want her?"

"Because, Dameron..." General Leia speaks up while raising an eyebrow at me. "That's my daughter. Evangeline Solo."

I gulp in realization before turning back to the hologram of her daughter. I've heard about her missing daughter a few times, though never seen a picture of her. Evangeline Solo and Luke Skywalker are the last remaining Jedi in the galaxy.

They disappeared the day the Jedi Temple was destroyed, and no one has seen them since. Stories have been told through the resistance that General Leia's daughter was the first and only padawan Luke Skywalker granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Which is why her twin brother became Kylo Ren in the First Order.

Though... No one is sure, and most of what I know about the Solo twins are rumors.

There's another story that's been told about Leia's daughter. Rumors like she's the only one who knows where Luke is. Leia never has confirmed these rumors and stories, but one thing is for certain, Leia's daughter doesn't want to be found.

My mission is to find one of the last Jedi and bring her back here to the Resistance. Letting out a deep breath, I know this is my ticket to becoming a commander. Not only that, but I will have done something the Resistance gave up on years ago.

"Alright." I sigh with determination and nod to Leia before declaring. "One missing daughter coming right up."

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